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Forum Post: We need to take out responsibilities

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 6:23 a.m. EST by peer1300 (1) from Vernonia, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The 99% of the population is responsible that the 1% is rich. We pay there salary and all there bonuses. We go to see a movie or go to the game How can we stop that? Why are we paying always everything what they ask for? Like the natural products that is a source from the planet and the planet belongs to everybody. So they should be affordable for everybody. Of course it cost money to explore it and make a product of it, but these companies don’t have to make these enormous profits. Or we need to raise there taxes so that the money can be used for healthcare and unemployment. Why are we paying so much for health insurance? It cost too much. Why are grocery prices going up in a time like this? Personally I think that all the prices can go down a lot that it is affordable.



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[-] 1 points by mrr (7) from Vienna, Wien 13 years ago

Capitalism is a cancer. Social/economic darwinism has failed. The rugged individualist lives in a tent by the railroad tracks..not to protest, but because he is homeless. She takes her children to free meals hosted by a community organization or church, not to save money, but because they would not eat otherwise. Emergency room care has become primary care for those whose societies long ago embraced objectivism as dogma. Citizens are locked up in record numbers, (globally,) while crime rates have fallen drastically. Would Steve Jobs have made his products in America? No. Why? Because he would NOT have made a profit doing so, nor would his products have been worth buying. Seriously Johnny..you need to stop drinking the "market" kool-aid.

[-] 1 points by mrr (7) from Vienna, Wien 13 years ago

While i agree with the bulk of what you say..there are misconceptions that are common. That the price of cheap food is appropriate, for one. The cheapest food should always come from local vendors/growers. Never food that has traveled thousands of miles, be it in ingredients or final product. It shouldn't be food that has environmental costs greater than their returns. Like: mono-cropping costs more in the long run than farms growing a variety of crops. Industrial farming costs more in the same way. Pesticides and fertilizers created from natural gas and petroleum by-products also weigh in as a heavy environmental cost, an unnecessary redistribution of necessary resources, (water, energy sources, soil loss.) There are many facets to the issue of food, but once you get a good foundation of understanding going, it isn't hard to see why it is that if economic justice is the goal, then the cost of food will necessarily rise as a result. But..there would be many more of us farming, and wages would rise.