Forum Post: We need to start playing offense!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 10:21 p.m. EST by occupyguy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Nobody has realized this yet, but we actually have enough people and the technology to audit the mega banks or maybe the fed.
For example, in Chicago, where I practice real estate, all of the real estate information for the entire county is online and in the public domain. If Occupy Chicago got enough people together, trained them, then put them online and in the street, we could actually audit all of the bank owned real estate for the entire county that Chicago resides in and basically refute everything that has been pumped into mainstream media.
Think about it: We would have facts, numbers, and evidence to back up our complaints. The entire banking hierarchy is based on the average Joe's inability to connect the dots. We have the human capital and the state of the art technology to connect the dots. We could call it cloud policing. This might work for auditing a company like Goldman Sachs too but I don't know much about trading or how the instruments that they deal in are documented. Perhaps we could audit the fed?
I've been thinking about this cloud policing concept for a few days now and I really think that it has a lot of things going for it. It would show Fox News that we actually work, it would scare the shit out of just about every big organization, it will be way more fun than standing out in the cold during the dead of winter, etc.
Another reason that I submitted this post was to provide food for thought. I absolutely love to brainstorm and think that thinking outside of the box is one of my greatest assets. Even if my ideas aren't feasible, maybe someone else has an idea that is and my template could provide inspiration.
Mass media is occupied by our controllers. Even if an audit was possible, the media will control the message--or block it entirely.
Mass media is complicit in the coverup of many crimes--including 9/11.
I agree with you about 9/11. However, I think it would be very valuable to have this information available to the public. I don't agree with you that the media can filter all messages though - just look at how Wikileaks sliped through the filters.
Most of your evidence is here for a Fed mismanagement suit:
Thanks. Someone else sent me a link to that in another forum and it is very insightful. I'm more interested in showing the public that the majority of losses were from organized industry insiders gaming a system that was designed to be taken advantage of. Contrary to popular belief, there really isn't as big of a percentage of people that took on more than they could afford. Also, not a lot of people know that most of the banks have never taken adequate steps to mitigate their losses or liquidate inventory. In reality, the banks are making more money by absorbing inventory and leveraging against the overbooked assets: If the banks hold onto the inventory, they don't have to record a loss.
I'm on board. Actual projects and fact-finding would show that we aren't just upset, we are determined to find answers.
It really could work. How do you think we could get the attention and convince the rest of the movement to get involved? I posted all over the Chicago faction forum and haven't gotten one response yet online; however, folks in the street seem to like the idea.
You have to attack from the street. It seems GA's are the place to make your opinion known and gain traction. Either that or contact the appropriate committees and get the ball rolling from there.
Off topic: I just wanted to note how amazing it feels to be talking about GA's and committees regarding a movement like this. We are organized and efficient. In short, we get shit done.
I think you're right. I'm glad this thread actually yielded some responses. Trust me, it can be done.
Ever consider that a great deal of what is online is not real, but people on the street are?--------