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Forum Post: We need to focus on facts vs opinions - facts are immovable and motivating - they are authentic

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:43 a.m. EST by Beauthentic (2)
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Those who have been brainwashed over time to believe that this form of capitalism is what the founders intended are so much the problem. The ADHD and mental laziness created from TV, sports, sex, and other sources of "brain atrophy" keep us from the "deep think" that is so important now. Please turn on the rest of your brain, turn of the propaganda media and talk to people that don't make money with their words. Don't just parrot back the latest sound bite. Freedom requires work. We cannot wander aimlessly without a purpose and expect the status quo to help. The media is attempting to take us off the path. All movements that were successful had a great leader, Gandhi, King, Kennedy, Lincoln, Adams, Jefferson - we will have one too.

The middle class have been slowly but surely dismantled in the last 30 years. We were lulled to sleep with false wealth and bubbles that "burst" over and over as they became larger and more corrupted. This is not true capitalism and free markets. I had a small business for 10 years and small businesses, especially technology and manufacturing oriented, are getting killed with outsourcing and tax loopholes that allow big corporations to offshore their profits and jobs and destroy the America that our founders knew and worked so hard to create for us. The whole concept of the tea party and this OWS movement are very close in my mind. We need smaller government and less taxes and we need smaller business and less taxes so the innovation that is only found in entrepreneurship can get off the ground again. The founders got past their divisions of religion, politics, and greed and dreamed of a country where men are free to explore and experiment, to make an honest living, be self sufficient, own property and a home. They argued about tyranny and only the conflict and debate alolowed them to see it for what it truly was. It seems many in this country do not see the tyranny that is already on us - YET. The outsourced jobs, slave labor, rampant corruption, the drug trade, the porn trade, exploitation, the deregulation that allows and even promotes corruption, the buying of elections, the Federal government controlling our money for education, roads, and all the other programs that feeds the "Beast in the East". I read recently that the states only get 11 cents of every dollar back from the Dept of Education. With the money they retain in Washington, you would think they would protect our kids from the "Business of Education", predatory loan practices, corrupt banks and mismanagement of college loans and grants. Instead the 89% they keep does very little to prevent putting our kids in debt for an education without jobs at the end of the line. What kind of nation allows banks and schools to prey upon their youth?

I remember the campaign in 1992 and Ross Perot when he referred to the "Giant Sucking Sound" that we hear is our jobs (and the American middle class) going to Mexico. NAFTA and "free trade" was upon us. To bring this current we have lost the jobs to Mexico, then to China, now to Vietnam and other lower wage countries. All the while the corporations have done just fine, in fact they have thrived. These are historical facts (most anyway) and if they are inaccurate, let's get them right. This country was based on facts as the truth that in unwavering. Adams said "Facts are Stubborn Things" and I hope we can elaborate on what I see in this set of demands to Congress and get them into a plan with a leader to get us started on a direction. My opinion is we have to stop the vacuum that is cleaning out our middle class when the jobs are sucked out of our country. This sucks out the money, the dreams, the ambition, the family and ultimately the spirit from us. We are Americans and we need to stand up and support what is right and what has always been right about the original idea of this country. We have to stand up for all men having equal opportunity based on laws, but sometimes we have to demand it. It is that time again.

Occupiers, I am with you and looking forward to the fundamental transformation and the hope and the change that cannot come from a hypocrite. We are the ones that are authentic, we are the ones that know and live the truth every day. We will prevail and this makes me proud again to be an American.



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[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

Exactly, we need to focus on immovable and motivating facts, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:




if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at AmericansElect.org in support of the above bank-focused platform.