Forum Post: We need to create a Parallel Economy.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 8:33 a.m. EST by NonRicher
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
WARNING: If you are a person who want to be rich someday, who want to be a millionaire or a billionaire someday, don't read the text bellow. It's not for you.
It's time to the people who don't want to be rich to unite and create a Parallel Economy.
I don't want to be rich. I don't want to be a millionaire or a billionaire. I only want to have a decent life with dignity and solidarity. I know that there are millions of people like me. Maybe we are the majority of the population. We may call ourselves "the non-richers". Non-richers don't want to be rich.
We, the non-richers, have the power to create a Parallel Economy, designed to promote solidarity and cooperation.
The mainstream economy is designed to make a few people rich, while the majority are exploited and treated like objects. We can split ourselves from this mainstream economy. We can create a Parallel Economy.
We don't need to create an "isolated society" to do this. We don't need to create any "rural community". We can do this living in the same cities that we live today.
We also don't need to make any violent revolution. Violent revolutions never end well. We don't need to "oppress" the assholes who want to be rich. We can simply ignore them.
The Parallel Economy should be a Solidarity Economy, a Cooperative Economy. It would be composed by a nationally coordinated network of workers' cooperatives, consumers' cooperatives and charitable NGOs.
The three basic pillars of the Parallel Economy would be:
the Cooperative Patent Office
the Cooperative Bank
Coop-Mart, the cooperative competitor to Walmart
The Cooperative Patent Office would be an organization to coordinate and register non-commercial Open Patents. An open patent is an "open source" patent. Those patents would be the basis for technological inovation in the cooperatives that are part of the Parallel Economy. The Cooperative Patent Office should register those patents in the "real" Patent Office, the US Patent Office. The Cooperative Patent Office would be the legal owner of those patents, and should legally prevent any private corporation from using it. Only the cooperatives that are members of the Parallel Economy should be allowed to use those patents. For free. No royalties.
The Cooperative Bank is the financial basis of the Parallel Economy. This transparent and democratically controled bank would be the provider of credit to the cooperatives, including the newly started cooperatives. It should be a kind of National Credit Union. All the "non-richers" should hold accounts in this bank, to make it stronger. The Cooperative Bank is crucial to the development of the Parallel Economy. It will be the source of funds to the new cooperatives.
Coop-Mart would be the comercialization channel to the products made by the cooperatives. It would be the cooperative competitor to Walmart. It would be a national chain of cooperative supermarkets. It should be one of this first cooperatives to be established, because it will be the link between the workers' cooperatives and the "non-richer" consumers.
Those are the three basic pillars. But it would be only the start. With time, we, the millions of non-richers, have the power to create an entire Parallel Economy. Cooperative steel mills. Cooperative petrochemical plants. Cooperative electronics makers.
Our Parallel Economy would be based on solidarity, and part of the "profits" of the cooperatives should be destined to a network of charitable NGOs, providing welfare to the poor.
We don't need to make a violent revolution to create a better world. We don't need to ask anything from the assholes who only dream about becoming millionaires. Let them live their mediocre lives in their mainstream for-profit economy. We can live our lives in a Parallel Economy, a Solidarity Economy.
Non-richers unite!
It's not difficult to make this "dream" a reality. We are millions. We just need to organize.
Some of the already existing cooperatives and credit unions could have a leading role in the initial process of organization and discussion.
Libertarian Socialism is the society we should strive for!
non-richers unite..?/
captain economics. whiz kid. where will you get the money to build this thing..??
Creating a parallel economic system
And the pdf file.
Pertaining to the Coop-Mart, upon establishing it, it could actually be spread as a franchise. That way, a basic successful plan of business can be spread to groups of people in various communities who will know up front what is expected of them to own their own local Coop-Mart.
Though the first Coop-Mart could be established anywhere, New York City is probably the best place to support its initial publicity.
In addition, the combination of co-ops and unions in general could create a standard for wages and benefits that could be applied to businesses in general. That is to say, the wages and benefits of cooperative workers could become a positive influence upon non-cooperative workers as a national standard to push for.
We need Libertarian Socialism
These are excellent ideas, and along with many other novel experiments in local, micro and horizontal economic initiatives, point the way to restoring the original purpose of having an economic system in the first place - that it is as an instrument intended to serve society and not the other way around.
That said, I offer another suggestion that would further remove the most vulnerable aspects of economic function from the vagaries of the general economy altogether. In that, a certain part of the economy would not only become "parallel", but entirely insulated from the general economy and self-sustaining as well.
I call it the "National Service Proposal" and you can read about the concept at
Essentially it suggests removing the "means of survival", and only that, from the purview of the general economy, altogether. A preserve which is accessible to neither the dominant economy, nor the dominant political process - and which stands entirely outside their constructions - no matter what systems they elect to embody (or the fortunes of any 'parallel economies' that reside within them)
It is not perfected idea, but does demonstrate that there are novel approaches to economics which remain to be discovered. It shares, with 'nonricher's' proposal, that it is voluntary and non-coercive. Indeed, NSP would ideally employ many of the cooperative and lateral economic structures nonricher has suggested. Unlike, the "parallel" proposal, It makes no statement about the rich - indeed, they can and probably would participate - since basic citizenship is realized through NSP. But people are not barred from participating by reason of wealth, nor any other class distinction. Indeed, the dominant system can continue on its merry way. Only that it no longer has the power to hold labor hostage to its demands or ambitions. People can no longer be threatened through loss of job with losing the essentials of life, the 'means of survival', as well. If the dominant economy wishes people to work in it, then they will have to offer things beyond threat and fear to maintain its labor force. It makes the capability to say "take this job and shove it!" a real option for all workers, and ends our system of thinly disguised slave-labor (coerced labor). It also essentially solves the problem of the individual v. the collective. Participation in NSP is both individual and voluntary, but the contract and benefits exist entirely outside of the dominant political and economic systems as the rights of both the collective body and of each individual. Those rights are secured before the NSP participants even become citizens. Their contract is one made by individuals on coequal footing with the state.
Anyway, its a thought. I see no reason why NSP and "Parallel" can't both operate and provide the best of all worlds. With NSP, however, there is no barrier to someone getting rich, if they wish. It only takes away the the saber rattling and hostage taking weapons of a wealthy class. At the level of the 'means of survival' the 'wealthy-class' simply has no means to become the 'ruling class'. That part is finished.
You will want to use a non-debt based currency. If you continue to use currencies issued by private central banks you are still subject to their manipulations of currency. Unfortunately the US government is extremely aggressive against those who try to use alternative currencies. I'd imagine that a legitimate alternative is to use older silver and gold based coinage issued by the US Mint. Since they were issued by the US government they are perfectly legal but you would be using them to barter based on their silver value, not their face value. Gold should be avoided as much as possible since it is very easily manipulated. More info:
Interesting article. But I have a question: in your opinion, would such a Parallel Economy survive, in a world where the property of the means of production is still private? Would it produce a "equal" society by itself, or is it just a "first step"?
The idea of a purely economical revolution, based on cooperatives and equal commerce, roots back in the mutualist/anarchist tradition, both american (Josiah Warren, Benjamin Tucker) and european (Pierre-Joseph Proudhon). In a very different political "milieu" - that of german Socialdemocratic Movement - some similar "fondness" for cooperative economy was at the core of Eduard Bernstein "revisionism" in the late XIX Century.
This idea was criticized both by Karl Marx (see "The Misery of Philosophy") and by Rosa Luxemburg (see "Social Reform or Revolution?"): inside capitalism, cooperation and mutuality could help to deepen the contradictions of capitalistic economy, but they're not the solution. Without some mass organization, rooted in the working class and able to give a political direction to labourers' and common people struggles, we actually have no revolution at all against the system; and social inequalities survive despite the creation of some "virtuous" form of equal exchange and cooperative economics.
Imho, Marx's and Luxemburg's criticism against this idea is still valid. Of course, I think that a system based on workers-owned factories, shops and administrative offices is the best solution for a future society; and of course I think that creating cooperatives is a good thing even inside a capitalistic economy. But I still ask: our aim, today, is to "reform" this system in order to make it just more tolerable, or to actually overcome it? Are we talking about the lenght of our chains, or about breaking them at all?
We might study the MONDRAGON Cooperatives: "83,859 people working in 256 companies in four areas of activity: Finance, Industry, Retail and Knowledge." "...highly participative companies rooted in solidarity, with a strong social dimension but without neglecting business excellence. The Co-operatives are owned by their worker-members and power is based on the principle of one person, one vote."
This is an excellent Idea I promote free trade amongst the people the government can't tax our hard work or skills !! reduce your dependence on the WORTHLESS paper these greedy bastards covet above ALL else.
Thank you NonRicher for this excellent post. I feel that the occupations around the world are useful for building public awareness, but most of the strategies espoused by the occupiers will not result in lasting change. As long as we continue to place faith in elected "leaders," they will remain the 1% controlling the 99%. You clearly paint the way forward. We need to take direct action, brother-to-brother, to create a new social order free of the existing hierarchy. I believe time and technology are on our side.
I agree with Peter Joseph, in that ultimately we must create a system of economy which eliminates the use of a monetary system. However, I'm glad to see this idea being brought forth, and I believe it is a step in the right direction.
here in the NW we have many examples of worker owned companies: a couple are an employee owned discount store a worker owned bike shop we also have a health care co-operative
It's becoming blatantly obvious that we don't need government to do things for us.
A Parallel Voting system would be easy
have people vote by name so it can be verified publicly
the voting could be done via the internet
when a polled could be called in a week
The Cooperatives have a lot of experience with democratic internal voting. We may learn from them.
trust in the voting system essential
the simplest way is to vote with ones name publicly
mmm, to have a real parallell economy, you need to get the printed dollar of the equation. You have a few options, you should start a new monetary system so that all the people and companys on the parallell economy can go ahead. Beacuuse you will still be on USA , you will be under USA laws. And for sure you will have to pay TAX anyways, and you will need to have some links to "dolar" economy. Is barter allow in USA?? you can start with some type of barter coin, that allows that.
I don't see a need to not use the dollar as a currency. Perhaps we could use an "internal currency" in the internal operations, but I don't think that is necessary.
And of course our cooperatives would pay taxes. We don't want any trouble with the government. "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s".
Thank you for thinking a thought, a particularly good one for that matter. Just have to figure out the problem of economic calculation with RBE's.
TRANSITIONAL STRATEGY: a) Reform OR b) Revolution What do people think of some of Peter Joseph’s ideas? a) Form a World Occupy Global Conference at a set location for the media to digest, issues are established, forum created to solicit established governments b) Parallel Government representative from various regions are brought to the table along with legal and technical teams associated. b-1) Eventually creating a virtual global institution which begins to prepare the new social system as the old system continues its operation and inevitable failure.
Once the public model is defined, a mass public awareness campaign is commenced in which this new governing body is announced and the tipping point will come once the public begins to see the merit of the new social proposal and is recognizing the governing entity itself, eventually giving it priority over the prior political establishment.
The merit of the Occupy movement, and its General Assemblies, is that people start to realize that they can organize collectively, and democratically decide the tasks that they should accomplish.
That's a great learning to future Cooperativists.
What's cool about localism is that you don't need federal government to do it. Conservatives would have nothing to bellyache about.
Localism is good, but, as a civilization, we have complex needs, and to fulfil those complex needs, we have a complex economy.
In order to create a complex Parallel economy, we will need to coordinate on a national level.
That too.
Form the "99%" Political party....Band the middle class and take back our country as the middle class built it, millionaires are breaking it! edfry3 (at)
Form the "99%" Political party....Band the middle class and take back our country as the middle class built it, millionaires are breaking it! edfry3 (at)
Please shut up, the current economy is designed to give everyone equal chances of becoming succesful. It is not designed to make a few people rich. Your entire argument is invalid.
If that is what it was designed for, then it is a failure. Otherwise the majority of people would be successful. I ean, if I was a manager and implemented a system into my organization to raise the ability of all the members, and the result was only ten percent successful, I would be fired and the plan scrapped. Do yo live in reality? Look around you. Maybe you want capitalism to be the utopia you want, but it is not. It s just as barbaric as communism, fascism, and national socialism. Absolutes tend to function this way.
“Bankers own the earth; take it away from them but leave them with the power to create credit; and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again... If you want to be slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let the bankers control money and control credit.”
“If congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to use themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations.”
“The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity.”
"The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from it's profits or so dependent on it's favors, that there will be no opposition from that class." - Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild “Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws."
“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war.” – Abraham Lincoln - In a letter written to William Elkin
Money was invented to enslave people.
Oh, really?
So, keep living your mediocre life in your "everyone-has-equal-chances-of-becoming-succesful" fantasy.
Nobody invited you to join the Parallel Economy. We will be free. We will be happy. And we won't give a damn for your opinion!
Lol the incredible ignorance you are displaying here, makes me lose hope for all humanity.
Are you dyslexic? Didn't you read the WARNING in the beginning of the text?
We DON'T NEED YOUR APPROVAL to start a Parallel Economy. We can do this anytime we want, without asking for permission.
Are you saying I can't state my opinion?
You can. But nobody will care.
Mmmmm. Yeah it's not like the entire occupy movement will be forgotten in a few months. You will change nothing.
The entire occupy movement will be forgotten in a few months?
But the cooperatives will last forever. And will change the world. And there's NOTHING that the advocates of individualistic capitalism can do to stop this.
Ah, come on about you and I finance this deal. Solid ROI opportunity.
The solution is right here, before your eyes.
Don't ignore it.
We started on two years ago. Still a work in progress
It's somewhat different from your idea.
We don't want to create an "alternative community" in some physical place. We want do build a nationwide Parallel Economy
Only a very small number of people would want to move to an "alternative community" in some physical place. A nationwide Parallel Economy would reunite much more people.
And we want a complex, urban and industrial Parallel Economy, not a rural society.
But we respect your idea, and we can do some trade with your rural republic. Maybe this kind of rural republic like yours could be the best source of food and raw materials to our Parallel Economy.
Some sort of labor-backed / resource based currency that is not easily subverted.
Some great ideas here,. parallelism has always existed, sub-cultures, undergrounds, alternative systems. If enough people can come together around a well thought out system, it could spring up rather quickly. How to create a currency that has no inflation, or bankers gambling with it becomes a good next question.
after that, and much more,. we still get to the point where the two systems are competing for resources,. and one system is destroying life for profits,. greedily eating up all it can. something still need to be done about that. perhaps it is better to just claim what is ours,. rip down the old broken structures of power,. and replace them with a functioning human culture.
one world, one people, one.
It's time to parallelism stop being "underground", and become somewhat "mainstream".
Parallelism should stop being a fragmented movement. We will achieve nothing on a "local" basis. We should coordinate nationally. We should create a sophisticated Parallel economy. Our goal should be achieve a level of organization where any people can buy any kind of goods and services from the Cooperatives, from the Parallel Economy. From TV's to mobile phones, from haircuts to vacations in hotels.
I do like that idea,. and some of us should most definitely work on expanding what is there and building new systems, that actually work for the people that run them,. make no mistake it is us the 99% that do run the sht that is keeping us down,. ask a white shirt. we can stop it, we can change it,. I want my electronics to be totally green,. from packaging to the hardware should be all recyclable, open source, and beautiful.
That's the spirit!
This is possible, we just need to organize.
Who makes the TV's ? The workers.
Who makes the laptops? The workers.
Who makes the smartphones? The workers.
Who makes the washing machines? The workers.
We can have all the stuff we have today, without having to rely on the greedy and corrupt corporations. We just need to boost the creation of workers' cooperatives.
The Parallel Economy will develop more and more with the years, and in the future we will have many Cooperative Hotels, where the non-richers will spend their vacations.
nothing really stopping you from doing this today is there?
How is this different than a STATE run economy with the Co-Op replacing the state?
Are you a libertarian? We don't need your approval. We don't need your opinion. There is a WARNING in the beginning of the text. This is not for you.
This is a "Co-Op run economy", and nobody is inviting you to participate, "libertarian". This is not for individualistic people, this for people who believe in cooperation.
LOL Funny. I ask a simple question...and get railed on. Sorry, comrade, didn't mean to interrupt your "party".
Funny thing is, there is room for you and your co-op in my world, but not the reverse. Telling isn't it...
I know your mindset. Your "simple question" about STATE and Co-Ops was intended to associate this idea with "communism".
But it has nothing to do with communism. Don't worry, we won't take anything that is yours. If you don't want to participate in the Parallel Economy, you don't need to. It's a voluntary option.
There is no way that you can LEGALLY stop us from doing this. Cooperatives are recognized in the United States law. We can create how many Cooperatives we want to.
No matter how you repackage it, its the same tired thing that has been tried again and again. It may actually work on a VERY small scale, but it can NEVER be completely self sufficient.
You don't know my mindset, if you did you wouldn't be telling me that I can't "legally" stop you. I don't care to stop you. What I want you to do is say exactly what you are doing.
From what I know, "libertarians" support individual private property, not Cooperative property. Libertarians think the individuals are all "ambitious", and they think that "greed is good".
Cooperativists defend Cooperative property, we don't think that everyone is ambitious and greedy, and we don't think that greed is good.
We don't want to abolish your private property. But you will need to respect our Cooperative property.
You've been dealing with some very vulgar Right-Libertarians then. Left-Libertarians are much more sympathetic to the people of the Occupy protests, we don't necessarily agree with Ayn Rand that "greed is good," or deny the possibility of public/cooperative property.
Indeed, Roderick T. Long, Left-Libertarian professor of philosophy has made the case for Libertarian property paradigm public property via the Homesteading principle many times.
Many of us also abhor the obscene and entirely artificial concentration of capital into the hands of just a few people, and feel that the abolition of the state would diffuse those fortunes and concentrations of capital out into society, empowering workers to become the entrepreneurial class through Co-ops, partnerships, or even standard smaller scale firms.
Most of all, we don't disagree with you that Wall Street is a cancer, we just feel the Wall Street cancer would die of it's own weight should we cut out the root of the problem in Washington D.C.
Since our Parallel Economy will be set within the legal framework of the mainstream society, we will be in need to create a lawyers' cooperative.
All non-richers who are from the legal profession, should become part of the legal team of the lawyers' cooperative to protect the interests of the other cooperatives in the courts of law.
I love the idea, but am not sure of how you would implement it. For example, how would you stop the establishment from putting millions into the Cooperative Bank (which would then be lent to cooperatives) and then pulling the plug on the whole thing by taking all their money out en-masse. Don't underestimate the desperation of the establishment to maintain the status quo and keep leeching off the 99%.
The Cooperative Bank should refuse the deposits from the "establishment". It should only accept the money from the cooperatives and from the non-richer individuals.
The Cooperative Bank would be the backbone of the Cooperative Economy, and should be defended from any speculative attacks.
But how do you identify a non-richer? If these are out to break you, they certainly are not going to be up-front and say "I'm rich and my plan is to break your bank". Don't get me wrong - I love your idea, I just don't see how it could be workable.
I don't have a perfect answer.
But I'm sure there are ways we can protect the Cooperative Bank from speculative attacks. Together we can think in something. That will be a collective work. Many minds think better than just one mind.
When the Parallel Economy starts to develop, many kinds of cooperatives will arise.
The National Engineers Cooperative will be a cooperative composed by those of us, non-richers, who are engineers. The National Engineers Cooperative will provide engineering consulting to the other cooperatives.
In the future, a Housing Cooperative can be started, to buy land and build homes. Those homes could be rented for low prices to the non-richers who are members of the cooperatives in the Parallel Economy.
Stop arguing with the greedy and individualistic morons who "don't want to pay taxes", who "oppose welfare", and who only dream about become millionaires. It's a waste of time. They will never be convinced by our ideas of solidarity and social justice.
They are heartless monsters. And they will use their firearms to oppose any "revolution" intended to create a more fair system from "top to bottom" (starting from the government), creating a civil war.
The wise thing to do is ignore them, and start our own economy, based on cooperation and solidarity. A parallel economy inside of the same society.
This is the only viable way to create social justice. We can't wait for the government, because the government is controlled by the corporations, the millionaires and the billionaires.
We don't need violent revolution. We only need organization and cooperation.
you need to get a life
parallel universe subculture sub par parallel bars WTF
are we from mars?
This is a great economy for all the underachievers. God forbid you should be motivated. Currently people have to live homeless in the park to achieve this goal in life so this is a step up for certain!
We are highly motivated individuals, specially when we know that we are working for the common good, not just being exploited to make some rich individuals even more richer.
If you are highly motivated why not pool your money, get honest candidates to run for office that are successful everyday people, not associate with the Republican or Democratic Parties, and throw business and career politicians out of government? Our system is fine, it's just broken and in need of repair.
No, the system is not fine. The problem is not only the government. The problem is a greed-driven economy.
Where to heck have all you people been? there already is a paralell economy. It consists of a lot of poor people who don't have computers, iPhones or the time and money to drop everything , go to NYC and protest while begging money from rubes you've conned on the internet
Don't feed the troll.
Don't feed the anti-Cooperation and anti-Social Justice crowd. Just ignore them. Let's create our own economy.
Your movement will be wrecked from the inside. It's one big failure already. You people are clueless hypocrites
Don't bother with us, we don't bother with you.
Our Parallel Economy will be a success for us, the non-richers, people who don't want to become millionaires. Our definition of sucess has nothing to do with becoming millionaires.