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Forum Post: We need to change from the inside, out

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 11:37 a.m. EST by yasminec001 (584)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I'm so happy that people are finally rebelling against the unneccessary suffering and abuse that we have taken for FAR too long. I wish everyone happiness out of this but I really hope that our stand against The Elite is not misinterpreted and disregarded because of our approach. We need to do SOMETHING about the vast problems facing our poor and needy, but I hope we are not doing them a disservice by using violence. I am not aware of all the facts on this opposition, but I wish everyone success. Please don't give up, guys. We are fighting for everyone who can't. Thank you to everyone who gave up everything in your lives to fight for others, and for those you love!

The world system I think should be put into place would probably not work out because the problems with this world are about our consciousness, the very structure and fabric of our philosophical, political, economic, social, religious, and cultural beliefs. If people were to evolve, mentally speaking, then people would see that everyone (on Earth) should be given the decency of the neccessities for survival. People would WANT to do the "dirty work" of upkeeping a society because they want to, not because there's no other job out there. People would be given the choice to donate 10% of their annual income to fund charities, organizations, and government programs. The world is in a horrible fucking shape because people don't care about each other, and because people have the mentality of "You're responsible for what's yours". And we should do away with this monetary system. It's so easy to hide money. The only reason an individual or a corporation hides money is because they are doing something "illegal" or "wrong". Since people would be basically provided for, there would be none of this million dollar profits that our figures in the social media is making. The crime rate would reduce significantly. I just think it wouldn't work given the way people treat eachother as of today. We have not advanced at all in terms of "fear". We've given up our natural rights and functions in return for security.

It sickens me to live in a country that is supposedly better than all other countries but still acts like immature children. The "people in power" have to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to do what is "naturally" right or to provide for everyone. We can't solve the problems of the earth because it COSTS too much? Wtf is wrong with this planet..



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[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

That's why I followed with "I am not aware of all the facts on this opposition, but I wish everyone success."

I'm not totally aware of all the facts of this opposition and I don't want to assume anything. I'm sorry if I offended you with that because this is a deeply serious movement and I understand.

I agree...the police, or at least those who choose to be dickheads, are abusing the power given to them by the government. I am seriously appalled to hear how everything is being twisted in the news. This is why I'm trying to do as much research as possible to have all the facts straight and therefore represent this movement as accurately and purely as possible. Thank you for setting the record straight. :)

[-] 1 points by yasminec001 (584) 13 years ago

Sorry if I wrote alot, guys.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Yasmine, I agree with much of what you write, but am suprised by the following sentence:

"We need to do SOMETHING about the vast problems facing our poor and needy, but I hope we are not doing them a disservice by using violence."

WHO is using violence in this Movement? It has been from Day 1 a PEACEFUL movement, deeply committed to non-violence, and OWS has been repeating that every day for the last month.

The only violence that I witnessed came from... THE POLICE.... you lnow, those burly guys in blue who are paid to PROTECT the public and "KEEP THE PEACE".... :) Actually, they are doing just the opposite, trying their best TO CLUB AND MACE the American people into submission.

Well, not only does that not work, but it actuallly BACKFIRES against the police and the goverment officials that give them their orders. Since the infamous macing incident went viral on YouTube, the Movement has won the sympathy of the people and grown by leaps and by bounds.

On October 15, people from all over the planet - in 1550 cities! - demonstrated peacefully. But our goold old MSM focused all of their attention on ROME, where a breaway group of anarchists with NO LINKS whatsoever to OWS, did commit acts of violence. As is so often the case, more than half of them were most likely "AGENTS PROVOCATEURS", i.e. policemen dressed as demonstrators and trying to discredit the Movement by causing incidents of violence.

Nobody could stop the Great Patriots of 1776!
And nobody will be able to stop the Great Patriots of 2011 and the National TSUNAMI they have unleashed.

GOD BLESS THE NEW AMERICA that OWS is birthing under our very eyes...