Forum Post: We need something to fight FOR...this is it
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 1:09 p.m. EST by Tyliggity
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am convinced that the Occupy movement in New York, around the United States, and around the World has been wildly successful in gaining numbers and support. However, this movement needs something to actually cash-in on. The world is fighting against something, fine. However, the system is too well protected by its own guardians, the police. Without violent disobedience, the police will continue to protect the system.
What is needed is the knowledge of free energy that has been hidden from the public for so long. Now that this movement is on a scale such that it has the world's attention, any unified message will also be brought to the world's attention. Energy is the single greatest market in the world, by far. Empires have risen and fallen over energy since the beginning of time. There are so many people and even small societies which use free energy machines to power their lives today. It is time to show the world.
The solution I am proposing is to start introducing free energy machines at some of the stationary sites at which the protests are taking place. You could even have masses of people utilizing the power produced by the machines to show the world that it is real and that it works. Imagine a youtube video of 1000 protestors all chargine their laptops and/or cell phones on a machine in the middle of a park. Free energy machines can be so small and simple that they can be carried in a few pieces by some helping hands. Surely, with the thousands that come out to protest, the minds to make this happen are there and willing to contribute.
This movement must shift to a fight for a solution. When we fight problems in our world, we only make them more prevalent. Civil rights was focused on fighting FOR equality, not just AGAINST prejudice. Dr. King fought for tangible things: equal bathrooms, water fountains, treatment at large, etc. Here, the Occupy movement fights FOR economic equality but has not come forward with a solution to move the world in that direction.
This movement must introduce a tangible solution that everyone in the world can support and benefit from. Free energy machines would topple the current economic order and bring the world into far greater balance than it is today. It would be catastrophic for the 1% and raise the other 99% to a new standard of living unseen around the world. Bring out the machines for the greatest non-violent display of anti-establishment this world has ever seen.
I'm all for it and am working on a zine about free energy right now. I plan on handing out copies at liberty plaza. My brother recently met someone who lives in North Carolina that wants to bring free energy to the occupations and is working on a few machines to do so. So it seems we are not alone and we are growing stronger every day.
I think free energy is one of the things we could have, but only once we end corporate greed.
Wasn't it Nicola Tesla that invented a machine to provide people with free electricity, and his sponsor J.P. Morgan asked where he could stick the meter? Tesla told him where he could stick his meter (up his backside), and J.P. Morgan ordered the thing to be dismantled.
Marin Luther King fought against prejudice. We are fighting against greed. Both are tangible things, easily understood by the 99%.