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Forum Post: We need CHANGE... So demand it back in our pockets!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 7:43 a.m. EST by HenkVeen (46) from Utrecht, UT
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The problem is, I ensist, the fact that consumer spending, which makes up two third of our economy, is under presure because too much capital has been drawn, grabbed, from the real market, from society, from communities, the people, from families, that it stops the economy from doing it's job. We should not be serving a financial system that does not share back to all, and just clods up the money where it will cause economic heart failure! They have made so much captal just literaly vaporise...We all need this money to go round, as a commodity, we need for trade, to buy food, pay for healthcare, education, mortgages and rent. Will the administration please get these banks and institutions to stop gambling the lifeblood of the economy away and get their fat asses off of it?!



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