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Forum Post: We Need Another Shot Heard Round The World

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 8:30 p.m. EST by dildo (5)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

If OWS expects to save the 99% there must be War no other way around it It's like asking a pick pocket back for your wallet that had $1,700 cash and expecting to just get it handed back to you No you won't You just gotta Kick the Shit outta The Prick then you'll get your wallet and money back



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[-] 2 points by Steve15 (385) 13 years ago

Don't forget the changes made by the labor movement not to mention the civil rights and womens movement. It's early yet, be patient the cops are getting bad press this week. They will grow weary of being idiots soon. One can only pepper spray so many elderly women before he calls it quits. People in high places are dropping out and joining the 99%. Just don't get co-opted and please find spokespersons with a list of demands soon.

[-] 1 points by Kickinthenuts (212) 13 years ago

The real 56%(those who pay taxes) demand that ows stop wasting taxpayer dollars and allow our police forces to do their job. We also demand that you try motivating voters to vote out the politicians rather than substantiate their belief that it must not be too bad as we keep electing them.

[-] 1 points by Steve15 (385) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by vothmr (82) from Harrisonburg, VA 13 years ago

i also like this. i would like to see a comprehensive list of demands.

[-] 2 points by artistsh (43) 13 years ago

That's a dangerous statement to make. If you don't think the protests are having an impact, you're mistaken. The minute the protests become violent, it gives the government, media, etc., all the ammunition they need to completely discount the intent of the protests. It also drives away a large part of the participants who do not want to be associated with violence. Thousands upon thousands of people are protesting across the country - and it's growing - in large part because they represent ALL of us. If the protests become violent, the numbers will fall dramatically and you lose the support of mainstream, middle class Americans.

[-] 1 points by vothmr (82) from Harrisonburg, VA 13 years ago

this guy knows whats up and i don't even support this movement. you sir are the first rational person on this forum. i applaud you. thanks for your sanity

[-] 1 points by dildo (5) 13 years ago

It's True OWS is non violent OK But as soon as a whimper is made the cops bash in skulls what does that tell you? I would just start kicking ass These rich bastards will never bow down I deal with em every day and I tell it like it is I say pay up or your History

[-] 1 points by vothmr (82) from Harrisonburg, VA 13 years ago

you guys got to camp out in that park for 2 months, that wasn't allowed, they let you do that. as soon as the police try to enforce the law you cry brutality.

[-] 1 points by dildo (5) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by vothmr (82) from Harrisonburg, VA 13 years ago

when the city said enough, its time to get out and the police enforced that LAW then everyone cries brutality because when you shove the police, then they will shove back and if you continue to resist, you will be restrained and arrested

[-] 1 points by kingscrosssection (314) 13 years ago

Amen. A police officer has more right in my opinion to become violent when the need arises. Even though not many people realize this, police officers go through training that helps them to analyze a situation and determine how much force to use.

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

excuse us, let's just forget the law?????? business and say the "rights of others" DO you want to fight about that one too??

[-] 0 points by Steve15 (385) 13 years ago

Get off your parents computer they are going to put you in time out when they get home. Did you lose interest in your xbox

[-] 1 points by vothmr (82) from Harrisonburg, VA 13 years ago

wow, resorting to personal attacks already? im saddened. im not a troll, just a college student.

[-] 1 points by Steve15 (385) 13 years ago

Sorry but by the content of your post I could see it would take more time than I care to spend too enlighten you. Would you like some reading suggestions?

[-] 1 points by vothmr (82) from Harrisonburg, VA 13 years ago

so far, from what i see, this movement is heavily influenced by Marx. all of the reading i have done about this movement has been inconsistent at best and completely invalid at worst. it seems to be build on baseless theories. my point in the earlier post is that people are saying police brutality because they are being forced from their park because they are refusing to go peacefully. every time they put up resistance, the police are forced to intervene with mace or clubs or whatever it takes. they have a job to do and despite what most people think, they are people to and don't just beat protestors because they can.

[-] 1 points by Steve15 (385) 13 years ago

I can't do this now, I'm too tired but I do appreciate your patients and kindness. Don't be so threatened by Marx. The best economy this country ever had was a nice mix of highly regulated capitalism with a nice mix of socialist programs. Todays failures are actually from deregulation as I'm sure you are aware of. It wouldn't hurt the US to restore some of the legislation repealed over the past 20 years. Marx doesn't scare me right now the Rockefellers do.

[-] 1 points by vothmr (82) from Harrisonburg, VA 13 years ago

Marx doesn't scare me either however him advocating a violent revolution by the workers to overthrow the capitalists does. i support your right to protest how and when you want but when people toss the words violent revolution i think you lose your legitimacy. as i see it. a lot of the problems have as much to do with the 99% as it does with the "corporations greed". in the end, it was the peoples choice to spend into debt, buy houses they couldn't afford, and they let themselves get screwed by their inability to read fine print.

[-] 1 points by Steve15 (385) 13 years ago

I agree with you on the need for peace but please don't fall for that silliness about the peolpe being the problem. People are stupid and there will always be a need to protect them from the smart crooks. Take Walmart for example. People actually have a hard time understanding how shopping there is not in their best interest. All they see is instant gratification. Try to explain the GATT treaty to them and they look at you like you have three heads. Forget about the right wing free market propaganda. The free market and personal accountability died 100 years ago. It didn't work. Regulate the banks and corporations and don't bail them out. You watch how fast they stop lending to the high risk groups. Have you read The Big Short? It's written by a Wall St insider. It was suggested to me by a Wall St attorney.

[-] 1 points by artistsh (43) 13 years ago

Well, the two of you can put on your warrior outfits and go beat each other up in some field somewhere if you want. That mindset is NOT going to help this movement AT ALL! It invites retalation and violence in response - and there will be absolutely NO support by anyone with credibility in the general world. Unless that's your goal? Cause trouble for a movement you don't agree with?

[-] 1 points by Skippy2 (485) 13 years ago

the "Shot heard round the world" will be through someones head. "dildo" are you volunteering?

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

Restoring the Glass-Steagall Act should be the first shot, with the added bonus that it would go straight through the head of our enemy.

[-] 1 points by vothmr (82) from Harrisonburg, VA 13 years ago

remain peaceful. its the way to win, take a page form King. also, i have an SKS and 1000 rounds of ammo. i will shoot at anyone trying to redistribute the wealth from my house haha

[-] 1 points by kingscrosssection (314) 13 years ago

Anyone coming to my house to take my money, government or not, will be met with armed resistance.

[-] 1 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

I agree. I have a gold plated one with a few shells. Wouldn't use it in this case - much too nice to be shooting at a dildo.

[-] 1 points by vothmr (82) from Harrisonburg, VA 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

A little humor never killed anyone - except the two guys caught up in it too much: one actually died of laughter and the other laughed his ass off, but only those two that I recall. Quite unfortunate timing for the latter guy, happened about 50 years ago, today we could have sewed that ass back on. He might of walked a little funny but i think we could have saved his life.

[-] 0 points by KahnII (170) 13 years ago

Then serve yourself up as a martyr.....

[-] 0 points by Lizzy0Windsor (36) 13 years ago

You are the problem, not the solution.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"dildo" = TROLL

[-] 0 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

No problem unless he has a friend nearby who is twice your size. THEN maybe not so easy.

[-] 1 points by dildo (5) 13 years ago

then I'd have to kill the bitch