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Forum Post: We Need a Separate Forum Just For Platform Suggestions

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 2:52 p.m. EST by puff6962 (4052)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I would suggest that the forum set up a new branch in which we post our ideas for a platform without the ability for additional comment. The ideas would be broken into topics and subtopics by a moderator and voted upon by individuals on this board. (ie. like / dislike). The number of supporters would be shown. All ideas would be shown (but no additional comment allowed) and each of us could alter our vote for an earlier idea if another, more desirable one, came up on the topic. You would be allowed, therefore, one vote per ideas contained within the topic thread. You would also be allowed one vote per topic thread....as some entire threads may be objectionable to participants.

Hopefully, the minions of the Koch brothers who occupy this board don't skew the results too far



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[-] 1 points by fishlegs (21) 13 years ago

Beck Limbaugh Fox News machine are pushing "Funded by Communist party" and those that are in Fear vibration are eating up the pablum fast. So if the NYC hub doesn't disclose donations ...listing each and every dime of the 500K and you have that Murdoch machinery pumping out lies....People lose the populace fast and without the populace it's doomed unfortunately

[-] 1 points by bloodflower (24) 13 years ago

Changing the system will take more than protesting in the streets. IT will take convictions on everyones part to change things. We are all to blame for the problems caused by greed and corruption.Greed and corruption exist in more than just Banking it is present in every business segment and on every level of government. We are to blame because we have the right to vote and we still have career politicians who usually are wealthy before being elected to public office. We also by our choices as consumers have created these greed driven corporations and banks

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

Let's Occupy Walmart. Just don't buy supplies while you're there.

But, you are right. Unfortunately, buying American became associated with being pro-labor and that is not correct under NeoReaganism.

[-] 1 points by eldave1 (35) 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by vats (107) 13 years ago

all amaerican retail stores out source to india, china, not just wallmart

[-] 1 points by bloodflower (24) 13 years ago

Yes your on the right track. There are definitly retailers that take better care of their employees. We all need to look at many factors other than price when using our power as consumers. One key point to remember is that consumers create jobs not businessmen I know that this is contrary to popular belief especially for republicans.

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

What Wal-mart has done to small towns across this country is a microcosm of what China has done to American manufacturing.

[-] 1 points by bloodflower (24) 13 years ago

yes we need politicians that support fair trade not free trade.I personally support a clean enviroment. We shouldnt accept trade from countries that dont protect the enviroment especially without a tarrif to protect American jobs

[-] 1 points by bloodflower (24) 13 years ago

Everyone can stay protesting for ever and it proabally will have little effect on making changes without a clearly defined platform one that everyone supports and is simple and to the point.

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

Ya. Has there been any progress on this?

I think that it would be like a wiki process.....the proposals would become more refined and we could finally draw a circle around some core objectives.

Debating with Libertarians has worn a little thin.

[-] 1 points by FuzzyThinker (112) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

I have written 18 Fighting Points for People to Rally around. People can choose as many as they like and push independently. I am posting them in Yahoo News Comments when appropriate to the article. I also post on GoComics political and editorial Toons. I have sent some of them to my Senator, Representative, and the President. As soon as I locate a good place, I will post them here.

[-] 1 points by eldave1 (35) 13 years ago

Fuzzy - I am interested - where can I find the fighting points?

[-] 1 points by FuzzyThinker (112) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

I don't know how to create a website... Fighting Points: Fight for #1. Split up the banks from the speculators- We will stand against Citi and Goldman and Morgan and Chase and BofA and Wells-Fargo... Fight for #2. Speculation destroys Stability. IRAs get hurt. Control the Gamblers: Advocate a tax of 30%(payed at time of sale) on Short Term Capital Gains for first 2 years. No more Deducting Short Term Losses on your taxes. Fight for #3. 2,000 of the $Millionaire Incomes Pay ZERO IRS Tax. Find out what they're hiding behind: Credits, Exemptions, Exclusions, Caps, Deductions, Tax Breaks, Loopholes. Tell Congress Super Committee to 'Make Things Right'. Fight for #4. Exempting All Dividends from IRS Taxes will Do NOTHING for Creating New Jobs. Why? Because nearly 50% of all the Stocks are owned by the 1% and it would be a Wind-Fall Only for the Wealthy. Tax breaks on Dividends are a SUBSIDY for the Rich. Tell Congress to Stop Sheltering Dividends from IRS Taxes. Fight for #5. Tell Congress to Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment and Send it to the States. Fight for #6. Get the WORD out: 6% Pay 60% of IRS Collections. 45% Pay Zero Taxes, Including 2,000 of the 1%. Lots of Corps like GE and Not-For-Profit Tax Shelters need to be dealt with. Tell Congress Super Committee: 'Everyone has to tighten their belt one-more-notch'. Fight for #7. Stop the Budget Ceiling Gridlock. Each Party Pay for Their Own Priority. Democrats Pay for $Trillion Stimulus Union Bailout thru Districts that Voted for It. Republicans Pay for little-Bush's IRAQ WAR thru Districts that Voted for it. Fight for #8. US Attorney filed suit in Sept against 17 Banks that killed the Home Mortgage Economy. Tell the State Attorney Generals to Negotiate HARD with Banks trying to get IMMUNITY- BofA, Morgan, Chase, Goldman... Fight for #9. Stop WellsFargo from eating up local banks and creating a monopoly and boosting surcharges. Fight for #10. Target Barney Frank and Chris Dodd for DEFEAT in the next Election. They started the Home Mortgage Crisis and protected bad banks.
Fight for #11. New Game Plan for Congress. Divide the New Jobs Money In-Half to R & D. Let each Party Prove they can create the most new jobs. The Media and CBO keeps score for the next 6 months. We the PEOPLE mark a 'Check-Off' on our IRS-1040 for 2012 on which Jobs Act We want to CANCEL on April 15th, 2012. Fight for #12. Sweep the Congressional Rascals Out. Target Experienced Politicians. Only Freshwo/men can push for Change. Tell Them What You Want. Do It In The PRIMARY. Fight for #13. Build the Fence on the Border. Stop whining. Start Doing. Get a shovel and GO. Fight for #14. Go where the Drugs are. Shut Down the Dealers. Take the Addicts Under Your Arm to a Safe Place. Help them Get It Together. Fight for #15. Get Permits to Plow the Vacant Lots. Build Community Gardens. This is the Second Great Depression. Prepare for Govt Assistance To Run Out. Fight for #16. Tell Freshwo/men Congressionals to PUSH for: ALL Govt Salarys go on a 4-day work-week with 20% Cut in Pay UNTIL Budget is Balanced. They need to Feel Our Pain. They need to do a better job of Reducing non-essential Spending and Find New Jobs for the rest of US. Fight for #17. Keep your Faith in America. Focus on the Greed of a few CEO's and UNIONS. Do Not Broad-Brush. Continue to be Civil, Sanitary, and Orderly. Do Not Let Violence Hijack the Movement. America is gathering around you. Make a List of Demands. Organize a Task Force for each Demand. Get the WORD Out! Ask for Help and Support of Each Demand. Remember, This Is Not About Party- It Is About Uniting Americans Around Good Things. Be Polite to those that disagree with you- This Is All About Winning. Fight for #18. Stop Subsidizing CEO's. FICA Tax All CEO earnings. CEO compensation is NOT a Valid Business Expense- Shareholders should pay for it and Golden Parachutes out of their Dividends. Fight for #19. This is a 'One-Two' Punch situation: Jab Wall Street CEOs to take them off balance; then Slug Congress into Reforming the Tax Code while the Lobbyists are dizzy.

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

People might need clarification on the idea or have a question about things that could effect it's implementation and efficacy. I'm not suggesting anaylsis paralysis, but there are always the what ifs of contingencies.

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

That is the paradox of choice.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Unions can bankroll a 3rd party read more http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

Instead of union leaders pissing away the members' money by giving it to the Democrats who have stabbed the unions in the back when Clinton created NAFTA the minute he got inaugurated the members money can finance a 3rd party that would end globalization. Unions need to bargain for their members by completely excluding all nonunion employees from any benefits when they negotiate contracts.

The OWS protests could influence this process if OWS would nominate candidates for the unions to finance. The OWS strategy that refuses to nominate any candidates is self destructive for the protest.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Say something more stupid. You can do it. I have faith in you.

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

How do I track your posts?

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Create any topic you want from any post you like. I don't know how to start a thread on here.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Click the link Puff. Here it is again.


Americans are self destructive for a reason

When 99% of the entire country votes for candidates the voters all know have taken bribes that is self destructive. The bribes weren't paid to benefit the voters. That is a simple fact that the entire country of voters should all understand. The important answer that the entire country needs to grasp is that a powerful propaganda media broadcast system has put the entire country into a trance.

Intelligence has absolutely nothing to do with being the victim of brainwashing. The most important piece of the brainwashing process is what is called being "politically correct". That is designed to make the victims docile. The politicians can and do say ridiculous nonsense but the victims' trance prevents them from addressing that nonsense or the lies being told. When Obama was called a liar during his State of the Union address Obama was protected by the "political correct" trance. Instead of thoughtfully discussing what Obama had lied about and blaming Obama for telling his lie, the congressman was forced to apologize.

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 13 years ago

True. There needs to be a platform with better definition of the goals and ideas of the movement. People understand there is a movement of people, but everyone keeps asking, what do they want to change and they want specifics. Even just a baseline platform would be a good idea, it would be expanded on later, but a core set of goals is what people are asking for. Example, Code Pink has the war, jobs and foreclosures as their issues.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Start with nominating candidates.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

OWS compared to the Tea Party

Christine O'Donnell was nominated in Delaware to be the Tea Party Republican candidate for the United States Senate. OWS adamantly refuses to endorse much less nominate any candidate to run for election. The OWS believes that they can choose demands that will be enacted by merely sitting in the park holding signs and having petitions signed.

The Tea Party demands to get government out of the lives of all except for sexual behavior. Christine O'Donnell claimed she was against masturbation. Does Christine actually know what masturbation is and has Christine ever masturbated? Christine went right down the line about gay marriage and abortion. Now that Christine has been video taped and has written a book the OWS would be wise to consider making her the poster child for the right wing nuts.

Instead of using Christine O"Donnell as the poster child for Republicans, the OWS prefers to claim that they are the 99% which mathematically includes the 35% of American Republicans who gave a knee jerk reaction applause to Rick Perry when Rick bragged that as Governor of Texas he leads the nation http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/number-executions-state-and-region-1976 by far. Perry was proud that he executed 234 and Perry believes that to be thoughtful.

Rick is welcome and cheered by the media and nothing he says is conclusive to any American that he is a ridiculous imbecile. At best they make jokes about him but the jokes ignore the stupidity of all Americans to give his candidacy any credibility.

With Obama on record for being a liar on every campaign promise, and being wrong on every decision he has made in office, the OWS fails to see any opportunity to nominate any candidate for election. During my experience with hundreds of OWS people in person in the park and on the OWS forum they are as uniformly ridiculous and naive as the Tea Party. With all of this clearly on the record, the only conclusion possible is that America is doomed. read more http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

I hate these roboposts. Can't anyone stop this copy and paste crap.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

Stay in the park and whine with all the liberals.

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

I think that, given that we live in a representative democracy instead of a Republican dictatorship, it is the right of anyone to whine.

That being said, I am sorry, I didn't read your whole post and I would agree that this movement will fail if for no other reason that....in the name of universalism.....it fails to agree upon any set of objectives.

Demands are always foolish. They simply lock opposition against you. Stated, reasonable, objectives help a movement gain supporters outside of the perceived radical nucleus of a movement.

All occupy movements end.....this one will end when numbers dwindle in the cold and the police move in for "public safety reasons."

Before that time, some very smart people need to draw a rope around some good ideas that will percolate in the minds of the average American. Otherwise, you are correct....this movement will be doomed.

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

99.99% of America is in a brainwashed trance. Thanks a lot.

Since you're there in the snow, try to consider your trance.

[-] 0 points by ChristopherABrownART5 (46) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Nice idea but the only thing that will work is reason and law supporting platform proposals. AND, the laws cited need to be adequate in authority. All else IS a waste of time.------

The posts that qualify are then listed on a web page and further reason and law comment is provided to make it very clear, what the best platform is. There really cannot be any BS that way.