Forum Post: ?, We need a president who is so rich already that he or she cannot be bought off or influenced by wall st,
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 26, 2011, 9:01 a.m. EST by thefutureisnow
from Newark, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Is there a possible president who is already so rich he or she cannot be bought ?, and if there is would it be worth it to support him or her ? , The propaganda machine is about to kick into high gear for the 2012 presidential election race , But who can we really believe and rely on for accurate and honest media , We need facts not propaganda we need to know who is willing to stand up and say that,s enough , But who will it be ? who is above and beyond wall st with no hidden agenda,s against the middle class and poor citizens of America , ?,
It is not wealth that corrupts, (though it seems to help) it is the struggler for power. What we need is someone who doesn't seek the power that comes with the office. Where can we find that? Certainly not in Washington!
Allow me to explain:
Let's say, you come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighborhood.
Your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings.
What do you think you should do? Raise the ceilings or pump out the shit?
Your choice is coming next November 2012. Don't miss the opportunity.....
that,s right man we need a real grass roots president not a fake one that was groomed for doom ,
Name one member of the .001% who is politically egalitarian/socialist enough to back a serious 3rd party, leftist, social reform party? This person doesn't exist.
i don,t know about the one % but its for sure that the 99% would pack the voting offices if we had the right candidate , we could over ride the electoral votes with the power of the people and strength in numbers ,
This is in your dream only . The solution is OWS only
well maybe we should find a way to endorse someone from OWS for president , i mean Russ Feingold has serious political experience and i am quite sure there are also many others so what even if our candidate did not win it would still be step in the right direction , i think it would be fucking great if someone from OWS stepped up and said they would do it ,
Why not !
You might want to consider the kinds of things he or she would have had to have done in order to get that kind of money to begin with...
someone who was at the bottom and worked their way to the top legally without being attached to walls st , or any such entity,
If someone like that (honest and incorruptible) could manage that every so often... I doubt we would all be here and having this conversation...
yes you drive a hard bargain and make a solid point but there must be someone somewhere at the very least we could try to get new blood voted into the areas of congress and senate that are the most affected and controlled by wall st,
Perhaps what we really need is a maverick who has nothing to lose. Someone who cuts through the democrat and republican extremist nonsense. In essence... more than anything else... What we need is a viable 3rd choice...
haven't you learned that putting rich folks in the white house is what got us here in the first place. That is the problem with this nation too many people worship at the alter of affluence and prestige, and then they are shocked when rich helps rich and to hell with the rest. you want to know what will fix the Union if every business major went back to college and learned civics, and every body else in the union fallowed suit.
its not because i play into money is power its because washington does whoever has the most of whatever usually wins in DC , that,s all if someone does not need wall st or bi business then they would not be able to sway their judgement as easy as they could if they were playing into wall streets hands like many other presidents , have but also it would be great to get a agenda and list of all candidates form any party that is decided upon to get OWS occupiers to occupy the voting booths if we could arrange something like this by the time next Nov gets here we could change the whole fucking course of history , the way its actually supposed to work by voting,
Wealth does no insure an incorruptable person.
I suppose that's one possible cure.
Who would you suggest?
David Koch?
George Soros?
Warren Buffet?
Bill Gates?
Larry Ellison?
well these are a step in the right direction for sure self made Americans who do not have wall st tattooed on their foreheads, actually now that you mention it David Koch and Bill Gates , do not sound bad at all compared to the money mongers we have to choose from now , i think this is somewhat of a breakthrough maybe we can mull over this for a day or two and then just post a small list of people we think agree on , i mean not just you and i but others who are visiting this forum ,
You think David Koch and Gates aren't money mongers?
How so?
I think Wesley Clark could be a better choice, but I doubt he will run again.
Imagine that. A General, that's against pointless invasions.
i for sure do not wish to be invaded in any way shape or form we get enough of that from the current administrations ,