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Forum Post: we need a list of things supporters who can't protest can do. so many are looking for something other than following it on the news. i

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 10:31 p.m. EST by annie (132) from San Diego, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

what i know so far....getmoneyout.com (petition), moveyourmoney.org....some other ideas, return prepaid credit card solicitation with 99% written on it (the companies probably won't see it but will be paying the postage)...spreading the word with sharpee and cardboard signs on your car...sidewalk chalk on streets... etc etc but I think that there should be a long and complete list of many many more ideas for people to do daily. not everyone who supports the movement can participate everyday but many want to. if there are any other ideas out there...share!



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[-] 2 points by qwiksilver (46) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

Others live too far away from a protest and live in towns where such protest....well, would not be "appreciated." What can you do? Donate to those who are sitting out there in the cold. That is move number one. Then educate through writing. Educate all you can. Then let your representatives from the local to the federal know how you feel.

[-] 2 points by ChristopherABrownART5 (46) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Logically if those not able to occupy and protest could convert others currently involved with ineffective protest, to effective protect, then convert OWS from ineffective protest by helping them to understand article 5 of the US constitution, the ULTIMATE, peaceful, lawful rebellion. effective protest against unconstitutional government, the revolution could happen tomorrow:) -

Because it did not happen every 20 years like Jefferson advised, things really got out of hand.

[-] 2 points by ithink (761) from York, PA 13 years ago

How about this, send a nice warm letter to your local, state, and federal representatives letting them know you support the 99%

[-] 1 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

Shop locally, support goods made in US, boycott corporate goods/services.

Talk to your friends, family and community about your goals.

Encourage registration and voting.

[-] 2 points by qwiksilver (46) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

Think globally; act locally. Keep the tax dollars in your town by shopping at local shops. Shop as if you live in a small village. Buy only from places where you can speak with the owner....if you can.

And for godsake, stay out of Walmart. (I haven't seen the inside of a Walmart in 15 years.)

[-] 1 points by annie (132) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

yes, I agree and am doing all the things you write! these are the way to live your lives. but i was hoping that those present at the protest, while knowing that you are the front line, get the media attention...I was just wondering if there are any plans for more organized action that works alongside the protests...boycotting black friday is one good example. please, if you hear of any more, pass it along

[-] 1 points by RedJazz43 (2757) 13 years ago

I know people have busy lives. They have jobs and families to raise. Some people are disabled. But nearly everybody has two days off a week and I've seen people in wheel chairs at OWS.

My suggestion for people "looking for something to do" is as follows. Find the occupation nearest to you. Go to it and plan to spend at least one day (24 hours) out of your busy life there. If at all possible and you can't go for a full day, at least try to be there for a General Assembly and sit through and participate in a GA.

Then go home. If there is an occupation within commuting distance try to spend at least an hour or two a week there, especially during a GA when you can be part of the decision making process.

If there is no occupation within commuting distance of you go to twitter, face book, your old fashioned friendship network and other social networks and call for like minded people. Call a meeting. Have a General Assembly. Be sure that one of the things you do at the GA is schedule the next one. Find someone with computer savy. Have them help you set up a web site. People will come. Look in a mirror. We are all leaders.

As I write this I am following the struggle in Tahrir Square. The biggest help we can give to people in Tahrir Square is to start more occupations here in the US, to build the ones we already have and to re-establish those that have been shut down by the cops. Look at what it says at the top of this page, right below Occupy Wall Street. It says: The revolution continues world wide! Solidarity forever.

[-] 1 points by annie (132) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

yes, thank you friend.