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Forum Post: We need a leader

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 8:46 a.m. EST by mandoman2000 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

All this protesting is a very good idea indeed,but there is a need for someone,anyone,to stand up and be the leader /spokesperson..Otherwise it's just a bunch of demonstrations with no clear direction.



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[-] 1 points by kazoo55 (195) from Rijs, FR 13 years ago

Besides, by implementing voting systems and making polls a directive for future action, OWS will show the outside world that it's taking itself seriously about democracy. Make it visible. This way you can also vote on which issues should be a priority and which ones should be addressed locally, for instance.

[-] 1 points by kazoo55 (195) from Rijs, FR 13 years ago

"Submit candidates anonymously of anyone you feel has your regions best interest at heart, (I.e. teachers, pastors, nurses, etc) no politicians! real public servants. Then vote in a group of representatives or we can have alternating bodies of citizens so that way the responsibility will not consume any ones' lives. this can mostly all be done online. no paid campaigns. instead, live community meetings."

"First off, all societies from small towns to entire countries would need to create secure electronic voting websites in which every person is able to securely log on and vote for everything from local to global concerns."

From http://www.radiokazoo.net/OPV/ by 'An American Citizen'

First of all, you guys need a way to be able to VOTE on important issues regarding OWS, like the one proposed in this post. OWS is now weeks underway and still there's no single way to vote and take polls on this site. How can this ever be a real democratic movement without it? Bring democracy back! Get some guys working on this ASAP, through trial and error you'll find the right formula. It's not technically complicated, it's really a piece of cake to implement it. Without it, all of this is just futile squabble and continuing it's abscense seriously hurts the entire movement.

Get on with it! We want democracy!