Forum Post: We Need A High Speed Mag Rail System In This Country Not An Oil Pipeline!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 17, 2011, 8:35 a.m. EST by eyeofthetiger
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They started out by proposing the first leg of a high speed rail system in Florida between Orlando and Tampa and Obama reneged on that says there was No money As soon as these idiots allocate money to Much needed things like a national high speed rail system which would strengthen the infra structure our economy will never get better OK so the Iraq was is Over Hooray start using those billions you sent there every week for our own high speed rail system France Germany China UK Japan all have them and we don't This proposed oil pipeline running from Canada to Texas is a good idea but it won't solve this country;s ills We need a high speed rail system to replace the antiquated Amtrak Trains that would take us from L.A. to Las Vegas in and hour and a half from L.A. to San Francisco in 2 hours from L.A. to Chicago in 8 hours from L.A. to NY in 12 hours with interconnecting routes North and South This would bring the prices of everything down and replace oil dependency We have the technology to do this For Crissakes it's the 21st Century Get with it!! and quit douche bagging around with stupid shit
No. According the dog-faced Boehner, we need the pipeline going through America's largest source of fresh underground water to greatly increase the chances of that water source being polluted by oil leaks. Boehner and the current rash of GOP leaders are essentially the present-day form of the Anti-Christ. Whatever is potentially bad for the people of this country, the dog-faced Boehner and his GOP subhuman cronies are for. Because of subhumans like the dog-faced Boehner and Cantor and the rest, American society is on a rapid downfall. And these guys are cheering that on. Get rid of those scumbags next year.
Its not profitable to current airline, oil, automobile, manufacturing, and hotel industries.
It's too efficient and clean to make big money off of it once created. It's the same reason geothermal and other alternative energy programs aren't being encouraged. It's the same reason preventative medicine (nutrition) isn't being encouraged over pharmaceuticals.
Money is considered sacred and holy in this culture. One must devote their lives and their communities to the acquisition of money otherwise they are blasphemers. The American tradition demands people to unquestioningly sacrifice their lives in the name of the money god.
This isn't going to happen. People love their cars. It will never be popular enough to replace the automobile.
We need the pipeline now. In the meantime, we can work on cleaner burning engines - like natural gas or hydrogen.
Agreed, besides all states seem to pass out driver's licenses like they were being funded like our outcome based and no child left behind education system, who seems to give diplomas to anyone that attends.
It, like everything else in the United States, shall be built in America, by Americans and with American resources..... and not involve any companies that line elected officials pockets or have CEO's and upper brass making GOD money.
so if this idea makes sense why not act on it?? cause then the 1% would'nt be able to make their greed money off the saps like us who have to struggle These people are nothing but useless old liver spotted mummies
You can tell them I said so, if that helps any! ;-)
Why such hate towards people who have achieved? I respect those people who have strived for something, worked hard to get through school, and took risk to start a company that employs a lot of people. Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison might not be nice people, but you have to admire their drive.
Good idea. I rode trains a lot in Europe and Asia and it is a great way to travel. But I don't think it is related that much to the pipeline issue.
Oil of course it is that's the problem here no one uses their brains fast trains means people would'nt need to depend on oil
Right. But I think the train and pipeline are not an "either-or" proposition, as they are on different pages of the account book: one is a credit, the other a debit. The arguments in favor and against each are opposites. The argument against the pipe are environmental, the arguments in favor are financial. For the train, the roles are reversed.
we actually Need both think of the tons of jobs this would create the best most efficient form of communication we do have now is the internet without a doubt But we need an efficient and fast way to travel to the people we do business with oil just slows things down tremendously
Oh, if we had high speed rail I would rarely ever get on an airplane again. As it is, if I need to get somewhere that is within a full day's drive, I will drive rather than fly. But I would take the train rather than drive.
Gasifying those tar sands into heat, steam and synthetic gas to turn turbines would power a high speed train very cleanly. By product, road paving slag for nearly free with no further raping of mother earth.
Screw the pipeline and the Canadian Oil Koch Suckers for not being honest or willing to agree to good faith terms in writing.
same story as the one with Exxon and Valdez These rich cock suckers will not sway they are nothing but liver spotted mummies they don't want a better world for us that's for sure they just want to count their bank balances every day and plan another war with no concern for the good of all And I never trusted Canadians They are sleaze balls who wear shiny red costumes and hats and lie like a drunken Nova Scotia fisherman on a trawler
You've got to be kidding, are you angry?
How are your going to power the trains? If they are electric, you still need to generate the electricity.
Why would we spend billions on high speed rail when Southwest flies the same route for a fraction of the cost?
This is a government make work program.
Barely anyone uses Amtrak. If it wasn't government subsidized, no one would use it. And now you want a high speed, coal powered train system that no one will use? Ever hear of the jet liner?
ever hear of reading my post correctly??
Ever hear of proper grammar and punctuation?
da wa di' yous'e me'an Dork