Forum Post: We need a fouth house of government
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 3:44 p.m. EST by PermieD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We the people have risen. We must have a hand in government. A peoples house could be created as a secure website were every active social security number could create one account. It could be much like this website with a forum and such. Except on the home page would be voting for the current legislation proposed by government. Anyone could propose a law but would need to acquire the support of maybe 100,000 others before it would be voted on the home page. If the law passes it would move to be weighed by other houses of government. We have the technology its time for democracy.
And nobody should be allowed to spend any money on elections. candidates should be determined on a TV show like American Idol, anyone can try out. Potential candidates week after week would be exposed to the people for judgment, when the challenger is chosen he/she would run against the incumbent.
please improve these ideas for our freedom.
What's the point of a new branch of government when people aren't even participating in the three that we already have?
I think I disagree with the posters that are against this idea.
I'm not advocating a fourth branch of government - but it shouldn't be hard, in the age of the internet, to have a more direct democracy. Something to help steer the government. To be active. To be a participant.
Representatives are great, but can be bought and sold. Can outright lie. The voice of millions cannot be bought as easily and our voices can be more righteous.
I think something like this would be a positive step.
If you will be the next president, in fact you can't do anything because they don't allow you to be yourself.
sorry, but no.
You're just scrapping the Constitution.
You cannot do that...without getting 150+ million Americans to join you. And you won't.
Americans can't spend their lives outside of work researching and voting on every small piece of local, state, federal legislation...that's why we vote on representatives and pay them.