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Forum Post: We Need a Forum Dictionary

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 3:12 a.m. EST by Nulambda (265)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I think we need to come up with a common language. All of these isms and nobody can agree on a single one. Thus we all continue to verbally masturbate over our own philosophical ideology behind the -isms. If we democratically came up with a Forum Dictionary, then maybe we could past this petty ism fighting and get on with the bigger issue. I am sure most of us on this forum would agree that something is seriously fucked with the current system. All we need is a common language, then we can focus on common goals so we work to fix the problem, rather than babel on and on, arguing the same point from different pov's.



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[-] 1 points by metapolitik (1110) 13 years ago

We have one... It's called: Wikipedia

[-] 0 points by Freebird (158) 13 years ago

Great idea. We should call it the Newspeak Dictionary.