Forum Post: We need a Federal Real Property Tax - .2% Single Family Dwelling
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 8:09 p.m. EST by Workingfornot
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I would like to propose and idea that I thought of last weekend on my way to a wedding; A federal real property tax on all single family dwelling real properties valued over $900,000. This, in essence, will tax not only American Citizens but also those citizens of other countries who own real property here, gain our services and yet don't pay income tax. I mean let's face it people, if someone can afford a townhouse in NYC for $900,000, then they can afford a (for example) .2% real property tax; That is only $1800. On today, in NYC alone, there are 656 properties for sale for $900,000 or more. In NYC alone, taxing just these properties that are for sale would yield a minimum of 1.2 Million and maximum of 19.7 million; come on people, let's start taxing something other than just wages. That way, those people who technically(heirs and heiresses) don't "earn" anything but have all this "paper" money, they can find some way to pay their real property taxes so our government can take care of those people who can't even take care of their teeth! What do you think?
Put down the bong, turn off the video game and go clean your room before your father gets home.