Forum Post: We need a 3rd party candidate!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 11:52 a.m. EST by FightTheRight
from Jersey City, NJ
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Obama has taken more donations from Wall Street than any politician in history. He is in their pocket. He was supposed to be our FDR but he's nothing but another George Bush.
We need another candidate. I would suggest either Bernie Sanders or Van Jones. Let's get a President that will actually help us!!
Portland's voter registration demographic-approximately 44 percent Democrat, 34 percent Independent, 5 percent Green, and only 17 percent Republican-often makes it possible for Greens to be pitted de facto, directly against Democrats, with little chance a Republican will be elected. This results in a more level playing field for Green candidates, without the distortions of lesser-of-evil politics.
This is a great Idea but I believe that just with the "tea party" a party within an already existing party is the best way to change we are the 99% reformers and we will change the free ride of the rich is over. I will not fight your war while you pay for your son to be exempted from the draft I will not see my friends die while you drink Marguerite's on a golf course this ends NOW
Obama is one of the most liberal Democrats and he's still in Wall Street's pocket, has started 2 wars, has bailed out the banks, has increased inequality, and refuses to actually fight the Republicans.
Wall street donates more to dems than republicans, look it up. Deems are not the answer. We need a 3rd party if we want change.
I merely mean we need Existing congressmen and women to step up as those of the tea party did within the republican ranks. I know their are people in both parties who know this is wrong there are people who know the can no longer be led as sheeple. I love this Idea and I support it fully a 3rd party would take a long time in gaining publicity and validity I believe something can be done now as a catalyst to that 3rd party transformation
Most of todays problems are due to the terrorism of FDR.
FDR and the Raw Deal 1933 Securities Act 1934 Securities and Exchange Act 1939 Trust Indenture Act 1940 Investment Company Act
Rules and Regulations that perpetuate the problems!
The presidential candidate is an ok idea but generating support at a local level for senators amd congressmen to replace encumbents would be more effective. Also more doable, people are more likely to support a guy from the next town over who is a real person they can relate to and who is part of the comunity, than 1, one, presidential candidate they saw at a rally once
There are many. There are actually liberal ones conservative ones on every ballot. Just pick one the suits you best.
What has Obama done to stop Wall Street? He voted for the bail out, they've given him more money than any politician in history, income inequality has only grown under him, he continues to make the banks more powerful. He is no different than Bush.
We are the 99% - if we have a real candidate, we will win.
And guarantee a GOP win. Great thinking, same as Ralph Nader in 2000.
Do you think that these people will not take a hand out from Wall St?
Several reasons not to waste time and energy on a third party:
How about Michael Greenberger?
Former Head of U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission Michael Greenberger speaks to Congress on the high price of oil--and he's not happy about energy deregulations:
He seems good, we definitely need someone.
We can't do this without a President that gets it.
excatly, and he's for us! please reach out to him: