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Forum Post: We Must Stick To One Simple Message: THEY STOLE

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 1:40 a.m. EST by AnonymousPhantom (13)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

If we are to pull more people into the Occupy Wallstreet movement, It is important to stay on this simple message and avoid other issues.  For instance, "THEY STOLE OUR MONEY AND NEED TO GO TO JAIL"  is mitigated by other extraneous messages such as: "clean water", "abortion", "prayer in school", "gay marriage" or what ever else pushes your hot button.  These are "RED HERRING" issues.  Issues that may very well mean something to you, but have nothing to do with the " BOTTOM LINE" issues  -- our money. 

You'll notice, when you watch the news and a bottom line issue comes up that could worry you, there is always some preacher railing about some social issues that will make you mad. Doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum you are on -- they will make you mad. You get mad and you forget about that factory moving to China or about the teacher's strike or the Wallstreet bailouts. I could go on. We must not let the red herrings into our thinking and into our protest. The reason is simple, if we keep hammering them with the message "They Stole Our Money and Need To Go To Jail", the perps will be scared. We will draw in the tea party people, who started out on the same page, but got hijacked by big corporate media walloping them with red herring issues-- distracting them from their purpose-- and conning them into voting for stooge candidates. The majority can be brought to their senses, and when they start coming over to our side, the 1% will be fucked. Because: THEY STOLE OUR MONEY AND NEED TO GO TO JAIL !!!!



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[-] 1 points by AstraStarr (71) from New Paltz, NY 13 years ago

here are my best one liners.............

"The Corporation is LEGALLY BOUND to put its bottom line ahead of everything else- even the public good" .... The Corporation

Corporate pollution is taxation without representation to future generations


when people say why are you protesting wall street i say "naked short sales" go look it up- not pretty


Corporations used the 14th Amendment 10 times more than the black Americans it was intended for to fight for person-hood rights. How many people died for equal rights so that Corporations could have trillions in profits?

We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness

[-] 1 points by AnonymousPhantom (13) 13 years ago

If we are to pull more people into the Occupy Wallstreet movement, It is important to stay on this simple message and avoid other issues. For instance, "THEY STOLE OUR MONEY AND NEED TO GO TO JAIL" is mitigated by other extraneous messages such as: "clean water", "abortion", "prayer in school", "gay marriage" or what ever else pushes your hot button. These are "RED HERRING" issues. Issues that may very well mean something to you, but have nothing to do with the " BOTTOM LINE" issues -- our money. You'll notice, when you watch the news and a bottom line issue comes up that could worry you, there is always some preacher railing about some social issues that will make you mad. Doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum you are on -- they will make you mad. You get mad and you forget about that factory moving to China or about the teacher's strike or the Wallstreet bailouts. I could go on. We must not let the red herrings into our thinking and into our protest. The reason is simple, if we keep hammering them with the message "They Stole Our Money and Need To Go To Jail", the perps will be scared. We will draw in the tea party people, who started out on the same page, but got hijacked by big corporate media walloping them with red herring issues-- distracting them from their purpose-- and conning them into voting for stooge candidates. The majority can be brought to their senses, and when they start coming over to our side, the 1% will be fucked. Because: THEY STOLE OUR MONEY AND NEED TO GO TO JAIL !!!!

[-] 1 points by AnonymousPhantom (13) 13 years ago

Believe me THEY STOLE IT. See the documentary "Inside Job".