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Forum Post: We must remember what allowed the banksters the ability to run roughshod over our economic system.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 6:35 p.m. EST by TBamn (6)
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The Graham-Leach-Bliley Act: "An Act To enhance competition in the financial services industry by providing a prudential framework for the affiliation of banks, securities firms, insurance companies, and other financial service providers, and for other purposes." allowed investment (casino) banking institutions, insurance companies, and commercial (retail) banking institutions to consolidate, co-mingle funds, to engage in risky investment activities, to take money from you and me to fund the injustice committed upon the citizens of, not only the United States but, in large part the world. The Commodities Futures Modernization Act allowed them to create the derivatives you hear so much about which were a major factor in the debacle which destroyed our economy. Both of these acts must be repealed within our system of government or the banks will continue to use our money to fund their gambling activities. Help me by signing the petition: http://signon.org/sign/repeal-graham-leach-bliley The Glass-Steagal act separates these two types of banking institutions to keep the gambling activities separate from commercial banking activities. (commercial banking activities are the services we, as bank customers, utilize. i.e. savings, checking, loans)



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[-] 1 points by rjohns (45) 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by rayl (1007) 13 years ago

separate finance and government. it was done with the church, we need to do it now!

[-] 1 points by fantastic (74) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

end the bankers bank end the fed

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

it started way before that, like in 1933 with a banking emergency declared by FDR that is still in effect today...

[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

Henry Ford once said " It is well enough that the people of this nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning"... Well Henry, tomorrow morning has arrived Because the American people now know how the banking and monetary systems work in this country and I am one of them. I know where the wealth of the American people is hidden!