Forum Post: We must Occupy the fracking wells - peaceful road blockades
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 19, 2012, 5:58 a.m. EST by MatthewJones
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The US government is failing utterly in it's responsibility to protect the National Parks and areas of land owned by the PEOPLE. We as citizens therefore have a duty to step up, and like angel guardians of the Earth prevent the Fracking from taking place.
Hydraulic Fracturing, or "fracking," is VIOLENT murder of our fellow life forms and sacred spaces. Every site we prevent from drilling is a wonderful achievement.
Occupying the actual frackcing wells is dangerous, which is why I propose ROAD BLOCKADS outside the drill sites to to prevent the gas trucks and employees from arriving. If there are drillers already on site, they are of course allowed - and encouraged, to leave.
When a large enough group gathers with food prepared and tents this will prevent a well from functioning, as well as gaining the medias' attention. This will lead to a chain reaction that will spread like wild fire and END this abominable practice.
We must organize Occupy blockades of Hydraulic Fracturing wells.
The Docu-film GASLAND goes into the horrifying details of Hydraulic Fracturing. uncovering the information that dozens of poisonous chemicals and known carcinogens that are injected into the Earth as part of the process of natural gas extraction. People have died from cancer caused by the poisonous fracking chemicals. Thousands of streams across the United States (and beyond) have been poisoned. The dead birds, fish, rabbits and more are strewn across the banks.
A total ban on fracking is needed, followed by a safe dismantlement of the equipment - NOT being sold so another country to do the same. This should then be followed by a safe cleanup to limit the damage that has already been done.
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Fracking is exported to europe and we have a strong opposition against it here. - Yes so it seems - Bulgaria bans shale gas drilling with 'fracking' method - great news!
yep and France did same. But it is still going on in Ireland and Germany even after heavy protest.
I know the National Wildlife Service are against planting GMO crops on Wildlife Refuges, too bad. The protecting of endangered species, may be key to sustaining all environments so that they are habitable by humans. The use of public owned land to demonstrate the safety of controversial modern technology should be protested. I bet they'd use our land for safe nuclear waste storage, if we let them.
If you did nothing else, this is the best thing that you could ever do. The fracking is the most deadly thing ever. I live in NY state, and they are hotly debating whether to allow it here. I am among those who want it banned. I fear that the current method of campaigning against it is not enough. To directly stop them somehow would be great. I think if you all started this action you propose, others will follow, especially if the press gets a hold of it.
TIME Magazine Calls Fracking the Biggest Environmental Story of 2011
We need that oil. Unless we cut back on waste. I suggest, Matthew Jones, which is using his China manufactured computer,,, powered by electricity,,, created at some electrical generating plant,,, using coal or natural gas,, that is poluting the air,,, creating global warming,,, TURN OFF his computer and get the frack off the internet to save the planet rather than what he is doing to distroy mother earth. There you go Matthew,,, save us.
Strawman. I mean, we have the scientific capability to generate power without burning fossil fuels. Endorsing a transition to alternative/sustainable/clean energy and liking/using modern technology, is NOT mutually exclusive.
Use your scientific skills and just DO IT. Now, I agree with you. We should be making that transition. But it will take years and years and years of legal issues. Below is just one very simple example. Wind generators off shore from where the Kennedy's,, (yes the VERY LIBERAL FAMILY) live and they didnt want them. We build them and environmentalist claim they kill some stupid birds. Nobody want nucs in their backyards. You cant build big powerlines because they distract migrating "somethings". It is always the libs that want clean energy,, then the libs that wants to take everyone to court over it. Someone needs to make up their mind. Do you want alternative or not? Pick one,,, please.
Well, how about we modernize our electrical grid, and bury our electrical lines (and cable, telephone, etc.) underground? I mean, I'm pretty sick of my power and cable going out every time there's a rain or wind storm. If we modernized our grid, we could have wind power in places where it makes much more sense, like our windiest regions (mostly in the mid west). There's already some wind power in these regions, but to get at its full potential, we need a new electrical grid.
Don't get me wrong, I tend to think something like Thorium reactors would be a much better solution than anything else (although we should still modernize our electrical grid & bury our lines underground).
Before anything is done,,, BEFORE,,, there needs to be a lot of agreements,, on paper. Just as my example with the Kennedy's, everyone would imagine they would support wind generations, until you find out they dont want to look at them. Same with other forms. No reason to spend billions on a new technology if there is more opposition than there would be to oil. We (Government Motors) invested a lot of time and money on the VOLT. There you go. Others have invested in new technologies and nobody is will to buy them or there is some legal blockage. There are new fision or fusion technologies but nobody wants them in their back yard. So there needs to be vote of the people. Define what will be used and where before you build it and it will be required to be removed because some nut got a nut judge to close it down. Nobody agrees even when you have people on my side, conservatives, will to go with wind, solar, etc and etc. We cant win.
Something like a thorium reactors generating electricity, isn't the type of thing that's dependent on consumers in the same way a car is. Moreover, fusion reactors are the "distant future" (Europe is building a prototype, scheduled for completion around 2040, but there's serious technological hurdles they haven't been able to overcome yet, and it's questionable whether they ever will).
After your reactor is built, on line, people using it, the EPA will issue a health alert and claim your thorium reactor causes one-eyed worms to mate less and everyone knows how important a one-eyed worm is. OWS protestors will be there holding hands in support of the one-eyed worm. The EPA will shut the reactor down. There you go. Your liberal agenda at work.
All of this based on your observation (cough delusion) that OWS has migrated upstate to protest on behalf of wildlife? I mean, how the fuck do you people come up with this shit? We need to teach logic in high school.
"Cough"? You getting a testical exam for hernia? When you say, where do you people come up with the shit,,,, I guess you dont follow many of the thousands of liberal agenda stuff that halts even the best intentions, but only after they are sucessful and they hate success. If It is good,,, it must be bad,,, so say liberals and OWS are liberals beyond any measure. If YOU invented the best device (a light bulb) YOU liberals would figure out a way to ban it and promote the development of a new bulb that contains mercury and must be disposed in a special landfill. Then, after you banned the light bulbs and promoted the new bulbs,,, 5 years later you will hate the mercury filled CFL bulbs claiming they are damaging the environment and come up with the brilliant idea,,,,,, regular light bulbs. Geezzz you people are never happy. Wind generators,,,, YES,,,,,,, as long as I dont have to look at them.
First, you erroneously associate OWS with the democratic party (many, perhaps most, OWS protesters would absolutely agree with the contention that we have too much regulation, government has too much control over our lives, etc.). But secondly, and more importantly, you don't seem to analyze these complicated issues on a case by case basis. You paint with a broad brush, which seems intellectually lazy to me. For the record, I do agree that Congress jumped on the CFL bulb idea in haste (without considering the unintended consequences). They're counting on people to dispose of these bulbs properly, which is just idiotic. We will probably see these bulbs show up in our garbage, and ergo our landfills, and it could create a problem like mercury seeping into our ground water. Moreover, the benefit of this regulation (in terms of reducing CO2 emissions) is marginal at best. Moreover, we steal liberty from people for behavior, which has no demonstrable negative impact on society (such as criminalization of marijuana), where the alleged negative impact is best described as mythic.
Nevertheless, we have benefited from environmental regulations (like the Clean Air & Water Acts), Glass Steagall gave us over 60 years of stability in our financial system, etc.
Furthermore, you associate a demand to return to Clinton era tax rates on upper income earners (or the idea that capital gains should be treated as ordinary income), as somehow standing for the proposition that liberals hate the wealthy. This is obvious propaganda from the right. I remember the Clinton era, and the wealthy did quite well (I don't remember many of them complaining about our booming economy, booming stock market, etc.).
While the average consumer such as myself definitely does hold a portion of responsibility, using my laptop is quite different from deciding to drill a huge hold in the middle of the forest and inject thousands of gallons of poisonous chemicals for profit.
And a follow up. I have no idea where you live. You do live somewhere. I would assume in a house, apartment,,, something. Correct? And the house is made of any WOOD products? Where did that wood come from? And, prior to that house being built,,, would someone many years ago say, "HEY,,, dont build that house there,,, there are a lot of trees around here in the MIDDLE of the forest." But someone did build a house there and YOU live in the house that destroyed the MIDDLE of the forest. Shame on you.
So if everyone with responsibiltiy said, "Im just going to stop drilling anywhere and if Matthews Jones doesnt have any electricity then that would be OK with him." YOU want to pick the rules, as long as you hold no responsibiltiy
I live in the UK. I live with my parents (who are divorced and live at different ends of the county), I have chronic fatigue and have been severely ill for the past 10 months. I am 22. I buy organic food and I am transitioning to be vegetarian to reduce my energy consumption. I drive as little as possible and disaprove of various aspects my parents way of life such as using non-sustainable energy sources and eating meat every day. I plan on building a straw bale house (or other sustainable housing method - depending on the local resources) and moving in with my girlfriend as soon as possible, we will grow our own organic vegtables, produce our own electricity with sustainable methods (solar panels, tapping a stream with a pipe with a turbine intside etc). My general life ambition is to be an example of sustainable living. I am a musician and visual artist and aim to spread my values through these media.
Now please continue saying I am just as bad as those deliberately conspiring to make money by poisoning people, plants and animals.
Edit: I'm not trying to claim innocence, just that I take environmentalism seriously and not on a whim like you are making out.
Thought you would appreciate this:
That's calling the kettle black. Fucking hypocrites.
Take action. Take part. It cost's nothing.
Fracking has been used for 60 years with no problems. I think the left is just pissed that it can create energy independence and prosperity for billions around the world and that sets their agenda back 50 years!
Prosperous people never fall for the left's lies, only desperate poor ones so anything that is good for the people is bad for the left.
Liberals motto. "what comes from the ground...stays in the ground". Oil, natural gas, coal.... Twisted freaks act as if the stuff is sacred and will oppose any attempt to try and get the precious energy sources out of the ground.
As if we can operate planes, trains or ships on solar power.
fracking turns water into a flammable substance.. and causes earthquakes!
You fantasy land moron. Yep... earthquakes never happened before fracking. You simpleton asshole.
you should check your facts.. no there were not any earthquakes in Oklahoma! in the last year or so there have been about 25. you just think the world is splitting in the center of geo plate all of a sudden with no explanation? you think lighting your kitchen faucet on fire is just nothing?
Reading comics again fuckface?
Actually, there are plenty of renewable energy sources available to us. See the first 30 mins of this documentary:
READ ASSHOLE: You can't fly planes, operate trains, or move ships on "alternative energy"
Quit living in dreamland
10 years from now things will be very different, have some vision.
So you REALLY think we could fly a 747 on solar panels?. You fucking moron. This is why you live in tents and shit in buckets.
The Japanese have been building cars that run on water. 100 years ago people would have said the same thing you say to me (but perhaps more politely) about the notion of a huge flying metal tube aka a 747.
shut them down.
Obama We can take Unemployment from 6 % to 9%...Yes we can
We can take gasoline from $1.80 to $3.50/gal…..Yes we can
We can increase the national debt by $ 5 Trillion in 3 years…...Yes we can
We can get more people on welfare & food stamps…Yes we can
We can double the number of homes in foreclosure…Yes we can
We can eliminate 2 Million jobs from this country…Yes we can
We can give away $ 500 Million to Solyndra…..Yes we can
We can fly all over the country Campaigning on Air Force One…Yes we can
We can visit all 57states….Yes we can
We can down grade the US credit rating for the first time in history…Yes we can
We can increase the cost of heating oil to over $ 3.00 a gallon…Yes we can
We can decrease the sales of homes to its lowest level in 20 years.....yes we can
We can play the race card any time we want…Yes we can
We can run this economy without a budget...Yes we can
We can pass laws without Congress…Yes we can
We can create a health care bill that nobody wants…..Yes we can
We can cut our Military leaving the country weak…Yes we can
We can sit idly by while Iran builds nuclear weapons…Yes we can
We can discourage any drilling for oil in the US….Yes we can
We can go to Hawaii anytime we want For Free…..Yes we can
We can quit smoking cigarettes…ooops….No we can’t
if you want to blame obama for unemployment then you either cannot read the newspaper or you don't want to be taken seriously - which is it?
great post.
And here we have another classic example of what exactly, is wrong with the repelican party and a clear demonstration of why, precisely, their reign over American politics is DONE.
Repelicans cannot debate on the issues - the facts do not support them.
Their only recourse is to engage in lies, spin, historical revision, and distortions of reality, it is the only way to get people to support their policy.
It is quite clear -
the costs of gas and heating oil - mentioned twice in the list, to fatten this list and increase its prominence - is directly related to three things
Peak oil production -
geopolitical instability in regions of oil production
oil futures speculation
And the health care bill, cited as a bill no one wants - here is a simple, blatant lie. I want it. I know a lot of people who do. In fact, there are so many that do want it it passed Congress -
but go ahead. Lie some more.
Down grading the U.S. economy -
but go ahead, and lie to us some more
Well said, ZenDog.
The nimrod is posting this series of lies like they have merit -
and my cursor is gone. How did that happen?
it's back. That was odd . . .
He isn't here because his lies have merit. He is here to disrupt.
he made his list a forum post - probably a zombified fool - either that, or the trolls are really desperate - which seems odd - it doesn't seem like the forum is getting a lot of action today.
It's one of the regulars with new alt. Yeah, they are looking desperate. I have a feeling that it is going to be a great day!!! This one likes to dance just a little.
I love to dance.
Have fun. I should see if I can't get one of my chainsaws to run. It's a beautiful day out there.
Not to mention the current Presidency inherited these issue's from the two previous administrations, and has been unable to do anything about it due to a non-functional Congress.
Exactly, fracking is a prime example of the total failure of government to do what is in the best interests of the majority. As the Occupy movement is well aware, America has become a corporatocracy, run by the military industrial complex, addicted to war and fossil fules. While I fully support petitioning, lobbying and political attempts to change things; in the case of fracking a much more direct approach is needed. It takes years to change regulations through the political system, and there's no guarantee of success. It needs to be stopped NOW. If just 50 or 100 people peacefully blockade a road to a fracking site, more will join. It's time the Occupy movement made a stand and actually did something.
Like the facebook page:
Ironically, the military is at the forefront of alternative energy research. This is not a position statement, I'm just sayin (they are).
The Sierra Club might be in a position to help organize area protests as well as Occupy & 99% supporters in those areas.
Interesting, I'd not heard of the Sierra Club, they look like a great organization. Thanks.
If I rememberize correctly I have a link to the Sierra Club attached to my post. The post link is below.
Your voice is a vote. Petitioning is lobbying. This is the Peoples Lobby. It does not require money. It does require voices. Take part. Take action. Lobby government.
I certainly did not intend to imply that I had reached an end of the list of valid objections one might raise to those repelican talking points
Sorry to tag on your comment, but I thought it would be best to continue the conversational thread. I did not mean to imply that you were overlooking anything I meant to support your comment to muddFlapp. He is trying to make it sound like everything that has happened is due to the current administration. Where the only real thing wrong currently is the dis-functional/non-functioning Congress.
yup, I understand. tag away.
Unite in common cause. Hate the things that are wrong in this world. Support each-other in making things right. This is where the healing will begin.
The Government of "The People" by "The People" for "The People"
We are the 99%. Take part in "The Peoples" Lobby.
Take action. See samples of how below.
196,030 signatures so far for Bernie Sanders petition as of 9:40am central time 01/27/2012
The petition to save abandoned houses has 16 signatures. We picked one up at around 11:07am 01/16/2012. Were just rolling right along.
Here is a place where you can directly address change. Take part, it does not hurt and may very well heal/help. Forward the cause of reform and rebirth.
Sierra Club has some good things to take part in as well. Set-up and ready for you to take part in.
Lobby the government. Your voice is a vote. Petitioning is lobbying. The Peoples Lobby. Take part, take action.
Forward environmental change. Your participation can make a difference.
187,506 signatures so far for Bernie Sanders petition as of 9:48am central time 01/20/2012
The petition to save abandoned houses has 16 signatures as of 01/20/2012. Were just rolling right along.
Here is a place where you can directly address change. Take part, it does not hurt and may very well heal/help. Forward the cause of reform and rebirth.
Sierra Club has some good things to take part in as well. Set-up and ready for you to take part in.
Fracking in other States is doing really well, States are even prospering by it and there is NO environmental damage being caused by it, this is just lib (the Country hatters) blah blah blah
muddFlapp, this is simply not true, there is massive environmental damage caused by the pollutants injected into the earth as part of the process Hydraulic Fracturing. The documentary GasLand is an excellent source. There are 6 US states with over 1000 instances of groundwater contamination. More information can be found here:
read it and weep
I'm not contesting that gas prices are lower as a result of fracking. Yes, there is a (very) short term gain for the average American (not including all those directly poisoned by the fracking chemicals). This short term gain comes at the cost of the drinking water, the air, the animals, the plants.
Much like a heroine addict benefits in the short term from another hit, the sooner it stops the better.
blah blah blah
"Much like a heroine addict benefits in the short term from another hit, the sooner it stops the better."
To which you say "blah blah blah".
Point proven.