Forum Post: We MUST list our demands
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 1:44 p.m. EST by Maluhia
from Long Beach, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What if our elected officials do want to support us? How can they if we don't list our demands?
Why would the public support our disruptions if we don't give them goals to stand behind?
If we don't list our clear concrete demands, then our protests are figuratively and literally pointless. We have to give the public a reason to stand behind us. We have to give elected officials a way to appease us.
We can't protest forever - there are only three ways to end a protest: 1) protesters tire out, 2) police forcefully push us out, or 3) our demands are met. As of now we haven't adequately listed our demands, so we aren't allowing option 3 to be an actual option. We're limited to police force or our own tiring out. LET'S PRESENT OPTION THREE!
Since this movement has no leadership, it is up to all of us individuals to move in the direction that we want to see this movement go towards, and hopefully the rest of the movement will follow. I suggest we focus all our discourse on the following five issues. Let's present them to the media in sound-bite form. Let's bombard congress with emails requesting these five points are addressed. Let's give the public a reason to stand behind us and give the government a way to appease us!
Let's Demand: 1) Repeal the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling 2) End tax breaks for the extremely wealthy 3) Pass lobbying reform 4) End congress members' ability to buy and sell stocks while working on related bills 5) Reduce our military's foreign presence