Forum Post: We missed you. - The rest of the world.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 3:25 p.m. EST by Nicolas
from Québec, QC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There has been a strong sentiment in the last few years, both in american media and around the world, that America was loosing it's unique place on the world stage. While a lower relative economic importance is inevitable as the rest of the world economies catch up, the decline was perhaps felt more keenly in terms of prestige and cultural leadership.
But I think one of the things #OWS means to a lot of people is your return at the forefront, inspiring and leading people around the world towards a better tomorrow. Sure, some of the problems being contested started or are bigger in the States, but it's also you folks in the States that started pushing back.
And, well, thanks for that. It's good to have you back.