Forum Post: "We love GK - Don't Go!"
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 31, 2013, 5:52 a.m. EST by WSmith
from Cornelius, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Oldjack said this would keep you around, I'm do'n it!
Now what is Oldjack's story?
Gypsy King, you are a "bit" of a ham (and I can be brusk), but don't desert us!!
I want full explanations from all parties!!!
'Winston' - re. 'TrashyManqué', you fell for his B-S & his manipulation and dissension tactics, I'm afraid. Did he PM you and whisper in your ear ? That is part of his m.o & as you can see on this thread - he is trying to subvert you and has also taken to signing off as ~Odin. GK is right to identify him as as he has but wrong to let this known weasel get to him - again !! Thus please reflect that forewarned is forearmed.
Your exchange with 'Trashy' on was closer to the mark and your instincts there were sound. As such, also try to consider : & .
et cave - 'anguis in herba' ...
Ah, but that's just a photograph of some guy, Zen. For all we know, this may be you:
Is this Zen?
Must've been a bad day. He may be Zen but he's clearly not zen.
Good to see amidst all the chaos, you still have a sense of humor.
Sarcasm is a sign of intelligence. Oh, wait . . .
Sometimes you're a hard guy to read, my man. ;-)
You are and you're proud of it.
Inscrutable, I mean, not Chinese.
Not Lady Gaga
I'll have to tell my sister about that. She's addicted to online poker.
Hey, she gets what she deserves. But, that's another story.
Gotta step out. Back in half an hour.
Damn, there you go again, trying to lose me. You sure are hard to keep up with. I think I'm gettin' old.
And so am I. Someone hacks into or... I don't know what, posts or PMs and acts in another persons name or handle. Then all of a sudden shit hits the fan. But every time it happens, certain people pop up pointing fingers and spewing bile!!
I posted this on a sort of dare by "Oldjack", seemed harmless, now wish I didn't.
Well, I would normally agree of course, cuz who the fuck cares. But somehow GK is all twisted into a pretzel and thinks I did/said some thing(???) and this kind of false identity/identity stealing has gotten me into trouble several times before, as I have bitched to you before.
But it seems to have blown over. But that trash/thrash/oldjack is still PMing crap to me.
The unlimited editing features here which make it so cool to post here, also provide easy getaway and sweeping of tracks.
Still a good site, and considering the price, and ZERO revenue source, we are damn lucky to have it. Do we know who is paying for this??? I still believe there's no free lunch!!
AB was the original handle, but where do they get revenue? Canadians concerned about a totally right-wing US on their border? UN? God? United Federation of Sane Planets?
" which is too often distracted by chasing Unicorns or shunning democracy!"
Chasing unicorns is something that Democratic party followers tell all those who dare to think this system is bullshit, and that other options in a planet of 6 billion may actually be possible. Its the same thing the Republicans tell the TP's who say they should create their own party. No individualism- just bow down to the banks and corporations that are clearly running both of these things.
A nation of, for and about the 150+ year old Democratic Party. And their partners on the right want the same thing- A nation of, for and about the 150+ yr old Republican Party. Neither one being liberal nor conservative, neither one being filled with normal hard working people. Each filled with elitist slime.
You guys would be better off at either DailyKos or TheBlaze where you can get in the gutter over the same......old......tired......shit.
Or go full bore and get on the Craigslist WoPo section. The Gauntlet of political attacks.
Either way, neither one of you is really close to what the feeling was for those few months, and neither one is helping to recreate that spark.
That spark WILL return, but it wont be because of views like this.
One party hack calling another one back, with the debate over another party hack from the opposite side.
This site is officially bottoming out :^ (
Says the Unicorn chasing bus stop boxer!
GK, do you know this guy? Oldjack?
Not nearly as well as you do, Tr@shy.
I'm glad that 2293 score you worked so patiently for isn't worth a damned thing here anymore WSmith, alias jiffysquid, alias Tr@shy. I am sorry though that I was once stupid enough to believe you were on the right side, and now you even know a few things about me. Chalk up one for you, you damned bizzaro.
And chalk up another. You've succeeded in making me distrust the house of mirrors here to the point that for myself I'm not really comfortable on this forum anymore.
What a sad little person you are.
What are you talking about? It seems you are confusing me with something. I think we might be hacked!?
GK, can you just maintain here until we figure it out??!!
How have you been Tr@shy? Long time no see. I knew you were still around. Damn, you're good. Hiding for months! Are you still fighting for this website to become better connected with the protests on the ground?
Iv'e been to many protests in the last few months. Made some good contacts. The kids out there are great. Drop me a line when you're coming back to NYC. Last time was fun!
~ Odin
I knew you'd come back quickly after a bit of attention! Welcome back my friend.
~ Odin
One day 'oldJack' and then one day 'oldJim' ,
Same Old 'TrashyManqué' - too much 'Jim Beam' ?!
Can't keep away from OWS and that's just too sad -
But STOP signing as others as That's Really Bad !!
temet nosce ...
Please come back GK. We will cry if you leave. You flounced three times before, but always came back after our most heart felt pleas. Please do the same this time. Let us shower you with the attention you need so that you come back as fast as possible. We miss you already GK.
~ Odin