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Forum Post: We Have Nothing In Common With Egypt

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 8:45 p.m. EST by Censored (138)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Screwy OWS protesters think they have something in common with anyone protesting anything, anywhere. They see young protesters in Egypt and think "I know them, I related to them, they want what I want". But that's a dangerous projection of western values on a terribly backward muslim society that merely wants to exchange secular tyranny for muslim tyranny. And now, the Muslim Brotherhood will be in charge...and they want it that way.

So, shut the hell up with the solidarity with Egypt nonsense.



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[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

"backward" great word

sorta like anal retentive

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

That's "backed up".

[-] 1 points by takeTsquare (77) 13 years ago

Hi Greetings from Spain, the European branch of the movement :) OWS is closely related to us (Take the Square and Real Democracy Now) These two are closely related to Egyptian muslim and christian activists. Myself in charge of being the link. Sorry to let you down. I have more food for your xenophobic mind: I am from SouthAmerica and I am very, very active in the movement in the north, in the spouth and of course in teh East! And guess what! I have been trained by the World Bank Institute for this revolution! Please stay away while your head blows up and have a nice life :)

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Proclaiming it a "movement" remains wildly aspirational. You're in Spain, huh? Pay your debts. The free ride of a welfare state built on borrowed money is finished. The lenders are wising up and don't want to flush good money after bad. Even the Germans know that giving you more debt capacity is useless.

[-] 1 points by RockyJ (208) 13 years ago

Hmmm, lack of jobs available for educated Egyptians Hmmm, lack of jobs available for educated American...

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Sure, it's the same. I can hardly tell the difference between Egypt and here. Smarten up.

[-] 1 points by RockyJ (208) 13 years ago

Yes there's a difference for now & that's why we need to nail in the butt before our country becomes a outright plutarchy!

[-] 1 points by Brandon37 (372) 13 years ago

Thank you. I am also sick of people thinking this. Without the Internet, most Americans would have no clue what was happening in Egypt, ever.

[-] 1 points by shwe (38) 13 years ago

Do you want to deny the human's natural responses to unfairness?

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Don't waste your time with "Censored" or "MVSN", two outed, racist T R O L L S.

"Censored"'s post smacks of ISLAMOPHOBIA - a sickness of the soul just as grievious as antisemitism or any other form of racism.

[-] 2 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Your repetitiveness with that phrase only underscores my point about how you have trouble thinking. Sickness of "soul". Yours in a sickness of mind.

Your posts smack of simpleminded political correctness.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

With TROLLS like you, I prefer not to waste valuable mental energy.

I am quite content to simply state what I know to be FACT and which you have so far been unable to invalidate: "Censored"'s post smacks of ISLAMOPHOBIA - a sickness of the soul just as grievious as antisemitism or any other form of racism."

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

You don't have the mental energy. Your responses are cheap smears rather than anything thoughtful. You've been trained to respond a certain way and you do. And, again, with that phrase. When your responses can't move on past a goofy phrase you've memorized and repeat, do you really think anyone's going to accuse you of using too much "mental energy"? LOL.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

""Censored"'s post smacks of ISLAMOPHOBIA - a sickness of the soul just as grievious as antisemitism or any other form of racism."

[-] 0 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Nope. Do you want to deny that sometimes revolutions are just to install new forms of tyranny?

Muslims in Egypt simply want a new form of unfairness... this time a male dominated religious tyranny. Westerns have nothing in common with the values of a backward crap hole like that.

[-] 2 points by shwe (38) 13 years ago

Current westerns' system have replaced previous "unfair systems".

[-] 0 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Yep, some have. But that isn't what's happening in Egypt. It also isn't what happened in Iran and it isn't what the population wants in a bunch of backward muslim crudholes. Westerns imagine things in common with those backward muslim places, but it's sadly mistaken.


[-] 1 points by Coriolanus (272) 13 years ago

"I believe that people in Egypt should determine their own system for fairness."

It's their country, but if their system decides that "fairness" includes no rights for women and hanging or stoning for gay people, that would make me sad.

Gay teenagers in Iran:



[-] 1 points by Coriolanus (272) 13 years ago

Like I said, it's their country. If they want to define "fairness" as hanging teenagers for being gay, that's their business.

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Agreed. I didn't say I gave a rat's ass how many centuries they want to regress. I was just making the point about stupid and needy OWSers that proclaim solidarity with them, that's all.

[-] -1 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Careful! Liberals LOVE Muslims and will defend them always! You might get accused of racism,sexism,blah blah blah....

[-] -1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Yes, and they believe that Western countries desperately need mass immigration of muslims for diversity. But you can go around Europe and see how that little debacle is working out. These profoundly backward people are highly antagonistic to our values. Liberals will only find that out when it's too late.

It's ironic too that our biggest liberals support mass immigration of the world's most il-liberal people.

[-] 1 points by takeTsquare (77) 13 years ago

I hope these words come from a PURE native American of red skin and a feather holding your long tail. Otherwise any comment against immigration shoudl be overruled for historic and ethic reasons Thanks

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

It isn't a comment against immigration, it's a comment about having the common sense to protect our communities from people that are horribly at odds with our values. Billions would like to move here. We can't have that, so we'll have a selection process. We can do that randomly. We can do that adversely as liberals desire. We can do that with common sense and some regard for what we've built here. I choose the later and that means not importing the 7th century.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

i dont like labels but i am a liberal and i see what you see -

tell me WHO is defending WHICH Muslim values ?
Yes - I know some have tried to ameliorate the anger towards and from Muslims - by saying most Muslims are peaceful. Which is true. Muslim people - in accordance with American values - must be treated as equals.

i am a liberal who will say- its the crazy fanatics we must worry about
the Jewish religious fanatics ( who worship and obey a book )
.....believe that if you eat pork - you have sinned
the Christian religious fanatics ( who worship and obey a book )
.....believe if you are not my kind of Christian - you will go to hell
the Muslim religious fanatics ( who worship and obey a book )
....believe all non-Muslims must - on pain of death - be converted

yes - I have read the Koran - it is scary - the book is scary - A Muslim who believes this book - and obeys this book - the way some (AMERICAN) Christians believe the world is 6000 years old - are scary

sura 5.54 O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. He among you who taketh them for friends is one of them. Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

But even if "peaceful", that doesn't solve all our problems. We have a broad set of values in our heads as westerners. These values include things like how we think of women and girls, those we disagree with, how we should be governed and the like. Western countries have argued it out to find broad consensus on this stuff and have evolved over time to the societies we now enjoy. But progress can be fragile. That means we should give a shit who we allow to join us.

Lemme make it more concrete. Liberals pounce on the slightest infraction by white males when it comes to women's rights. Make a women driver joke around a feminist and see what happens. They do this because they know values have to be worked at and they take it on themselves to police attitudes towards women.

But now that same liberal enforcer that flips over a women driver joke, coos over mass immigration of muslims. That's fucked up.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

i repeat - with more clarity - dont LABEL liberals - dont LABEL muslims
i cringe at any "ethnic" jokes
please think about it

it is so much easier to evaluate a THEM -
if you pre-determine that all of THEM are

think of how "Americans" murdered thousands of the real Americans by LABELING THEM heathens. think of how "Christian Americans" murdered hundreds of ex-slaves and their descendants by LABELING THEM animals think of how "good Germans" murdered millions of Jews by LABELING THEM inferior

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

But the problems are real, observable, and preventable, at least for us, if we use common sense immigration policies to protect our communities. The idea that differences don't exist between societies is simply foolish.

[-] -2 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Further proof of their basic lack of intelligence.

[-] 0 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

It really is wild though. Liberals come running to defend muslim values. They are on high alert for the slightest infraction by white American males. Any lack of purity when it comes to views of homosexuals, women's rights, abortion rights, and on and on is met with swift and intense sanction. But then they pivot, smile and coo as masses of people that think women are a step down from goats and that gays either don't exist or should be killed immigrate. It's wild.

[-] -1 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Well said. Liberals think with irrational emotions. They are incapable of anything else.

[-] 0 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

They feel, but they can't think.


[-] 0 points by RevBarb (0) 13 years ago

"Censored's" post smacks of ISLAMOPHOBIA - a sickness of the soul just as grievious as antisemitism or any other form of racism."-Tiouaise

So, will you 'hate' me, also, for my opinion? Unlike most of you here, I do not use a pseudonym. Be brave and do the same! http://dearoneshealingministry.blogspot.com/2011/12/occupy-wall-street-christianophobic-to.html Blessings to you, Rev. Barb Also: http://dearoneshealingministry.blogspot.com/2011/11/biochemist-explains-zuccotti-lung.html http://dearoneshealingministry.blogspot.com/2011/11/biochemists-natural-traditional.html http://dearoneshealingministry.blogspot.com/2011/10/occupy-protesters-face-many-disease.html

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

Sadly you are correct. Egypt will be fighting for civility for many years to come. Libya too. Everywhere that you see people rising up and in the background someone is yelling out something religious, you can bet they aren't going to be free any time soon. There is no place for religion in a socioeconomic uprising.

[-] 0 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

They're at best decades behind, more pessimistically (and realistically) hundreds of years behind. What's over there we don't need over here.

Liberals worry about a barefoot and pregnant joke, but then embrace people that think rape victims should be forced to marry their rapists. It's ironic, but true. Liberals leap to the defense of the il-liberal, as long as they're minorities and "diverse".

[-] 0 points by Spankysmojo (849) 13 years ago

Please don't mix liberals. Wow, first reaction..'a free thinker'. Thank you for your response. Now hear me out. You are focusing on a liberal attribute that is so honest and well meaning that it falls victim to foreign and selfish agendas. I understand your stance. It is a rational reaction. Nonetheless, don't let your brotherly love and spirit of giving be mired by a reaction to a minority that takes advantage.

[-] 0 points by RedJazz43 (2757) 13 years ago

The demonstrations in Egypt are specifically in opposition to the Moslem Brotherhood, which wants elections and stands to gain from the elections. The demonstrations claim that the elections are necessarily rigged so long as the military is in power and have a much more secular perspective. Also, they have come out in solidarity with OWS, so they clearly see a relationship between their movement and ours.

[-] 0 points by jjuussttmmee (607) 13 years ago

I think trolls have something to say also. Let the trolls speak too OWS should include 99% of the population, and no one should be allowed to divide us. Stand for what your neighbor stands for and he should also stand for what you want, solidarity against the banks and the gov. will take us somewhere better.

[-] 0 points by jenek (25) 13 years ago

bright ows American protesters , have learned a lot from our Egyptian counterparts. they taught us that western values, have become corrupted by the filthy rich. that their dictator Mubarak, was put their by the USA, to enslave the Egyptian people. just like the American people have become enslaved by the 1% who have bribed the american government- isn't that right "censored". you know that i am right - yes++++solidarity with Egypt++++solidarity with Egypt++++solidarity with Egypt++++training web page http://tinyurl.com/7rvpv43

[-] 0 points by KofA (495) from Muenster, TX 13 years ago


Egypt strives for representative democracy, the very thing OWS is pissing all over.

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Your wasting your breath. Liberals will never understand that other cultures can look at the world in very different ways. They always assume all people are basically the same everywhere. One more proof how stupid liberals are.

[-] 0 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

True. It reflects the ignorance and neediness of OWSers more than anything. Gosh, look at the protesters. I'm a protester. We must have a lot in common.

We should make the OWSers that think they support Egypt go and live under the backward and cruel religious despotism that's now setting up shop there. Even another verse of Kumbaya won't save them then.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

When you racists are proven wrong, will you come back here and post an apology, or will you blithely ignore it and simply move on to the next bit a demagoguery as if you were right all along?

Muslims were a part of this country from the very inception, were among those who first came upon these shores at Plymouth Rock.

The Muslim Brotherhood has already announced that, with 40% of the vote, it will try to form an alliance with the liberal parties (who received about 25% of the vote) in parliament, and not with the right wing conservative Islamist Salafi party. They have said so throughout their campaign.

But it is interesting that the right wing there, as much as here and everywhere, represents a severe limitation of freedom and civil rights. So much to be proud of!

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Great, we'll hope for the best. But the evidence simply there. It isn't there in muslim countries and it isn't there in the places they've colonized across Europe.

Liberals defending liberalism's would-be destroyers. It's damn ironic.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

Have they done any such thing here in the States? The millions of Muslims who live here, many of whom can trace their ancestry back to the founding of this country? Some of them are even Republicans, so at least they could be legitimately be found guilty of hurting liberalism, and freedom generally.

It's so nice that you "hope for the best" after issuing racist slurs to start this thread with. How very enlightened.

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Not yet, but we've also had way less muslim immigration thus far. Examples like the Somalis in Minnesota, however, provide a chilling warning that's lost on liberals. Essentially, our reckless government imported a Somali terror recruitment culture to MN. Nice.

I do hope for the best, but I don't expect it. It's isn't racism, it's evaluation.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

Really. A tiny handful of kids represents a terrorist recruitment CULTURE?

You are digging a ever deeper hole for yourself. Everything you write clarifies your racism.

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

That's only part of the problem. Even without the direct perpetrators of the violence, it remains a culture deeply at odds with our own. I'll take the racist smear to avoid the alternative of willful ignorance of the major differences that exist between our cultures.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

America has always been a country of immigrants, often those with values different from those in the mainstream. (Just ask any Native American.) It is PRECISELY the working out of those values that has made us a freest and strongest nation on earth.

Your racism is un-American and undemocratic. Your intolerance opposes the values of this nation far more than any Somali immigrant's ever could.

Your opening post was about disparaging OWS support for the Egyptian uprising, claiming Egypt is only substituting one form of tyranny for another. After being shown that you are most likely wrong, instead of apologizing for your smear, you shift the discussion to immigration. It is a typical tactic of your ilk. Never admit you're wrong about anything, just change the topic. A perfect example of intellectual dishonesty.

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Typical liberal tripe. Big hugs for Somalis, sure you have way more in common values with them then me. LOL. But that's liberalism and the irony of liberal moonbats leaping to the defense of people horribly at odds with liberal values. Liberals should be the first ones sounding the alarm, but instead, they welcome it with verses of Kumbaya.

The Somali thing has been a disaster. It has exploded demand for social services in MN and given the FBI something to do as it chases down a terror recruitment and financing network we stupidly imported.

Values first, diversity and head-in-the-sand liberal pretend-time second. Sure, you have a lot in common with 7th century Somali immigrants. Why, no doubt, a 13 year old girl is viewed the same in one of those households as your own. Why values-wise, I'm sure you'd find no differences. You've been brainwashed. Wake up.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

I know their values are different. Unlike you I am not afraid of that. You racists are the ones who fear everything different than yourselves, as if your beliefs and values are too weak to stand scrutiny or challenge. (That's because they really are that weak.) I am secure enough in my values that I can interact with others whose are different without pissing my pants.

But wasn't your point about OWS support of Egypt? Or have you forgotten that you were shown to be wrong on that and are just changing the subject to save face? That's intellectually dishonest, par for the course for a racist Islamaphobe.

As to values first, exactly. I believe in the core American value of diversity. I believe in the great melting pot. Like the rest of this country, I find the Statue of Liberty inspiring. It is your values that stand in high-contrast opposition to those that made America great.

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Hilarious. You go out of your way to criticize me and what you think my values are, but then offer a complete pass to Somalis as merely "different". You're a perfect example of liberals today that ironically embrace the world's most il-liberal people. You'll fight for gay rights, but then applaud mass immigration of people from cultures that think gays should be killed. You'll fight for women's rights, but then coo over tribesmen moving here from societies where rape victims are forced to marry their rapists.

Diversity is a core value, but it doesn't come ahead of everything else, including simple common sense.

[-] 1 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

Still avoiding your Egypt slur, I see.

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Avoiding? Hardly. It isn't a slur, it's an assessment. OWSers see protesters, project their values on them, imagine something's in common, and proclaim "solidarity". It's ridiculous. Egypt is slipping from one tyranny to another, and this one has the support of the people.

[-] 0 points by epa1nter (4650) from Rutherford, NJ 13 years ago

You were shown that that is not the case. A coalition government between moderate islamists and liberal secularists is being formed. Repeating your slur doesn't make it an assessment, since you have provided ZERO evidence to back up your assertion. Your merely ASSUME tyranny, and that makes your statement a slur.

[-] -1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"a terribly backward muslim society that merely wants to exchange secular tyranny for muslim tyranny."

Your post smacks of ISLAMOPHOBIA - a sickness of the soul just as grievious as antisemitism.

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

That's a cheap smear. Values first, diversity and political correctness second. On that basis, it's a pretty damn easy call. It's just ironic as hell when liberals trot out to apologize for the il-liberal muslims.

[-] -1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Even GEORGE W. BUSH was not anti-Muslim!!!!

YOU are the one making "cheap smears". As I said, ISLAMOPHOBIA is recognized by all thinking human beings - that probably wouldn't include TROLLS! - as a sickness of the soul just like antisemitism and all other forms of racism.

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

He's stuck, he can't tell the truth as a public figure. But some Europeans are now willing to say it. Angela Merkel called multi-culuturalism, in particular with muslims, a complete failure.

Sickness of the soul? Yours is a sickness of the brain that interferes with reason. Liberals defending people that would end liberalism as you know it is dumb.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

You're confusing ISLAMOFASCISM with ISLAM - two completely different things!

Hitler happened to be Catholic. Should we hate all Caholics as genocidal lunatics because Hitler was Catholic? Think about it...

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Hitler's Catholicism was coincidental, not core to his ideology. But now if it was and it was also deeply core to widespread numbers of followers and Catholics were overwhelmingly his followers, then, yes, we'd have to take a look at Catholicism and Catholicism would rightly become tied to the problem.

You think about. Drop your trained reactions and think. Value first. Diversity and political correctness second. Liberals leap to defend the il-liberal. It's damn ironic.

[-] 0 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

YOU the TROLL are asking ME to think???


I repeat : "Your post smacks of ISLAMOPHOBIA - a sickness of the soul just as grievious as antisemitism. or any other form of racism."

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Your post smacks of reflexive political correctness and a sickness of a mind without reason. Try to think.

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Waste of time. Trying to use logic with a liberal is like pissing in the wind. They just don't get it. The brain power just isn't there.

[-] 1 points by Censored (138) 13 years ago

Yeah, I know, you're right. They just don't come from a thinking and reasoning point of view. The irony is that I appreciate living in a society of tolerance and values. I value that gays aren't persecuted and women can have choices. I also know that a liberal society can't be taken for granted. Liberals attack people like me in its defense, but then coo over 7th century immigration and people that think women are tradable like goats. Wild. I'd have care about who we invite to join us from overseas.