Forum Post: We Have a Voice ~ Use it Loudly!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 4:27 p.m. EST by CTYankee
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Here are some things to consider: 1.) Bringing jobs back to America: Corporate greed has fueled the exodus of jobs to other countries. Those companies should be taxed MORE for decreasing the American job base. The companies that bring jobs BACK to the USA should receive a tax break. 2.) The top executives of any corporation should have a salary cap that amounts to no more than 5 times of what the lowest paid employee is making for an annual salary. If those executives want to increase their salaries, then increase the salaries of the people who PRODUCE and PROVIDE SERVICES. If the price of large ticket items were reduced to increase market share, profits would still be realized. 3.) Banks: Foreclosures need to be minimized by working at every effort to keep a mortgage current. Too many people have run into a period of time where they may have had trouble in making their mortgage payments. Their credit suffers. Then, when they’re back to a point where they can make the mortgage payments again the bank isn’t willing to negotiate paying back the arrearage, negotiating new terms, and the house goes into foreclosure. No one wins in that situation. Banks have been bailed out, and there are millions of Americans who’ve just had to BAIL. 4.) People who MAKE THE MOST should be TAXED THE MOST. How can it possibly be a fair system that taxes people MORE who make LESS?? Class warfare my ass…WE ARE ALREADY THERE! 5.) Being ANTI-CAPITALIST doesn’t equal being ANTI-AMERICAN. Capitalism in America is currently a broken system that does not work as well as it should for MOST AMERICANS. A system where a person can work HARD for 60 hours a week and still cannot afford housing, a vehicle, insurance, food, clothing, and some sort of small entertainment is NOT a system that works for anyone who still desires THE AMERICAN DREAM. 6.) STOP HIRING ILLEGAL ALIENS!! Again, GREED so that there can be profits at the top and low pay and no benefits for the worker. Companies that hire illegal aliens to do the jobs that LEGAL AMERICANS should be doing. 7.) Herman Cain ~ Really? Really?? Are you so completely daft and out of touch that you can say that “Whoever is poor in America has only themselves to blame” you must be some kind of an idiot. I’d like to pop you right in the nose for a statement like that. Tell that to someone who has been laid off from work due to an economy that isn’t being helped in the least by people like you. Tell that to a person who WORKS HARD FOR A LIVING and still has nothing to show for it. You were just lucky enough to be born a minority in this country where REPARATION is still in full swing. 8.) 99% STAY STRONG ~ STAY ACTIVE ~ When there is such disparity between the “haves” and “have nots” it’s time to make A REAL CHANGE!!!!!