Forum Post: We Demand Seperation of Corporation and State.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 2:19 p.m. EST by Mono88
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The title says it all.
This is something that everyone can agree on. It is relevant everywhere. Ultimately it is what is at the root of all our problems, be they huge banks demanding billions like in the US, huge mining companies torpedoing governments over royalties like in Australia, or any of a huge number of other abuses of the rule of law all over the world.
I'm from Australia and we're planning on using it on our own occupy protests on the 15th but if you use it beforehand in America it will get a lot more coverage.
Mono88 Excellent point, and funny in the timing! I just posted something seconds ago with a very similar title. Without such separation, democracy is dysfunctional. Capitalism is an economic model, not meant as a governing model. Te tool meant to serve has been manipulated and perverted to serve a growing elite. Your suggestion is the clearest an most rational response to such a failing.
"We Demand Separation of Corporation and State" - that's damn well put!
^ This says it all.
I've been saying it for several days now :p
This needs to be the fore front issue: Ending corporate electoral bribery and get private money out of government.