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Forum Post: We demand intelligent development!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 7:29 a.m. EST by AntonioJGCruz (5)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

To see what is currently happening in the world, to absorb aseptic and coldly statistical information – as if it weren’t a sensitive and suffering reality – about the crazy and maddening imbalance between people and between peoples who die of hunger while others fight obesity from eating junk, to know impotently how every minute children die from malnutrition and insalubrious conditions and that they will never have the opportunity to develop healthily and serenely, to observe how taxes bleed the most vulnerable to be wasted on nourishing bureaucratic administrations and parasitic luxuries, all of this, dear Partner, makes one howl in pain, suffering, sadness since only SADNESS is the correct emotion for bewailing that squandering of what is alive, sensitive, good, all that loss of opportunities, all those resources thrown to waste. Are we really so deaf that we have needed to hear the clamour of that misery, of that inequality extend to the rich world in crisis, to become aware of that monstrosity, of that degrading manner of managing and being managed? Never was the world so rich and never was there so much misery.

From the book 'Yes I'm outraged! Now what?'



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[-] 1 points by radiomind30 (7) 13 years ago

The rich and the poor are brothers. Now we need unity of purpose, then specific action.

Americans who suffered under racial segregation, women who fought for suffrage, and gay rights activists fought to change SPECIFIC laws. we must do the same.

The boston tea party didnt end on a boat, thats where it started. it ended with , the declaration of independance.

Change the laws. fight policy with policy. fight corruption with civil disobediance and democratic will!

[-] 1 points by AntonioJGCruz (5) 13 years ago

Hi radiomind30, I agree with you absolutely!

If you want, you can access the above mentioned book for free at: http://tulga3000.com/obras/yes-im-outraged-now-what/