Forum Post: We Cannot become the Left's version of the Tea Party
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:34 p.m. EST by Kman
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Many here are suggesting various political solutions to address our grievances. The corporate media has labeled the Occupy Wall Street Movement as "the left's answer to the Tea Party movement."
We CANNOT let this happen! If we do, it won't be long before this movement gets sucked into the corrupt politics that has become a big part of the problem.
We don't have to have a list of demands for the media, or others to label us. We all know what the problems are. We must identify ways to find common points of view on both sides of the political spectrum and stand united against this political/corporate beast.
Individually we can still vote - and we should - for those that we feel represent our views. Let's not go into the political arena to become a new breed of politician. Let's make the politicians come to us for our support.
There should be only one guiding principle for this movement:
The first thing to do is drop the "solidarity" lingo and that "fist" logo. It reminds me (and many) of leftist propaganda, communism, Marxism, etc and alienates the middle class in America. If you want the 99%, represent the 99%
None of the "isms" work. If you want real change, build new systems, continue to develop new memes. Using 'old think' is not going to work.
Yes, I agree. The symbol and rhetoric should evoke peace IMHO.
Case in point. Thank you. May I predict the raised fist logo will be gone soon? If not OWS will most likely fail.
What do you think about teaming up with the Tea Partyers ? How would we go about that?
I remember at the beginning of the Tea Party movement they were against the Wall Street bailouts, before they were hijacked by the Republican party and the spin machine that is Fox News. I think we could find some common ground there.
Yeah I'm trying to look up what the "Tea Party" stands for right now... we can definitely find common ground... I don't think they like "The Fed" either... (my personal opinion of the Fed has not been made, because I don't understand it's role yet. But it seems here people don't like the Fed)
Stick to the facts and drop the socialist rhetoric. If OWS really wants to take this country back and build a direct democracy system, many here would learn a lot from the original tea party organizers -- before they were co-opted by the Republicrats. Might even do some good to re-learn about the Boston tea Party, too. (:
The reason for the logo is because the people who started it. Adbusters from Canada, openly anti-capitalists.
If this movement seeks solve the many problems with an Article V convention, the tea party will be shamed, because they have assimilated the historical image of the constitution, but were too controlled to make any more to protect it.-----
These threads are started by people who know the wall street focus is erroneous and they think government should be the target for different reasons. Support these threads because they do something the tea party cannot do, recognize that they present themselves as uber Americans, uh, I think not. If this movement can focus on using the constitution to defend the constitution.
You will never be compared to the Tea.Party they brought porta.lets ..didn't incite violence.or get arrested in masses.
Dont worry
We need constructive dialogue here not condescending remarks.
Its just the facts
Sorry you.don'
This is not about DEM or REP ... This is an AMERICAN movement !
Right on!
"The corporate media has labeled the Occupy Wall Street Movement as "the left's answer to the Tea Party movement."
True Kman. The MSM still doesn't get it and they do this all the time. They devote so much wasted time to an analytical comparison of the two then pass that useless exercise off as some kind of profound political analysis. Obama stated the same the other day so his understanding is at best superficial.
You're we have to prevent this comparison from happening. Best way would be with signs in Liberty Park "We are not the Tea Party" or something to that effect. Those signs are more powerful than any horseshit that they put on on MSM.
I think we're ok where we are, because a lot of moderate Republicans agree with what we're saying. That's why I think it's better that the Dems don't come out strongly supporting the movement. That way it stays as a Peoples movement and not an extension of Dem policies.
I am going through post and it seems to be we are left version of tea party. I myself want Ows to be independent and impartial but does not look like. Tea party agenda was clear in couple days and they succeeded in a matter of months. They were able to take control of the house in Nov 2010. Can our spokesman clear our message.
I believe we should be patient. The Tea Party came out quick but adopted mostly Republican talking points and now their unfavorable rating is high. We want to be more inclusive of ideas that moderate republicans share so we can gain more support. There are a lot of moderate republicans out there that aren't happy about Wall Street, even though the "Talking Heads" on the Right drown our their voices. A lot of Republicans also see that it's unfair that the Wealthy aren't sharing the burdens of this economic downturn.
An Open Letter to Occupy Wall Street Protesters
Congratulations! You are successfully focusing public attention on the root cause of our political ills. Moreover, you are doing so with dignity and grace -- qualities which will not only influence more people, but make it far harder for the Establishment and their political agents to employ their normal repressive methods. You occupy the moral high ground; do not give it up no matter the provocation.
But, as surely you must know, this act is only the first in a long drama. The system you protest is robust and designed to withstand challenge. The banks and corporations from whom you wish to wrest power are well organized and have, over many long years, fully institutionalized their political and social controls. Our adversaries have waged class war for well over a century, have much invested, and everything to lose -- a long and difficult struggle lies ahead.
With this in mind, now is the time to consider and shape a second act, even as the first continues to unfold. To be successful, this act must not only engender widespread protest but also dramatically enumerate that discontent. Or else, as is happening already, your efforts will simply be dismissed as theatric, but essentially meaningless, commentary by an insignificant fringe of malcontents.
And therein lies the essential contradiction -- the only undeniable measure of and outlet for public discontent is the ballot box. Yet elite control of both political parties makes this a futile exercise. Past well-organized and powerful protest movements were defused and broken by an electoral process dominated by party candidates. Third parties have, historically, been marginalized and had little practical effect. Moreover, time is short -- the next election is barely a year away.
But what might happen if you inject some unpredictability into this well ordered system? If you explicitly reject both party's candidates? What will their media report on election night if millions of us join your protest by writing in "None of the Above" on our ballots?
What might happen indeed...
Otherwise, very well said, I think.
Republicans will win because their entrenched voters on the right will not participate
Fun idea, but the Electoral College will still pick the winner. Besides, new reports also show that computerized voting systems are rigged.
I agree OWS should remain strictly non-partisan or it will fail. Shouldn't OWS publish its demands at some point? Or does its energy in the form of spreading OWS protests constitute a singular, non-formal demand? If it's the latter, anyone can define OWS anyway one wants and that definition could be favorable and unfavorable depending on one's viewpoint. In fact, that's exactly what you are seeing in the opinions posted all over this forum.
I think our demands are obvious. Let the politicians and the media debate those issues. We need to make sure this grass roots movement continues to build and then those in politics that keep gaming the system will have to propose changes that offer something to the movement. They chould be able to figure it out on their own.
I'm not so sure that our demands are obvious. There have been several posts asking for input. I thought there was a working committee within OWS drafting a list of demands.
The thing is that the problems are so numerous, it's a futile effort to distill them down to a list of demands. We've got to be patient and build the movement. The solutions will become clear with time. This only the beginning.
I agree that it is a daunting task given the numerous problems and the diverse opinions on how to handle them. It is better to be roughly right than precisely wrong. Perhaps, it is best to roll-out the demands incrementally. Start with the most obvious ones; e.g., Restore Glass-Steagall, then build up the list slowly to a full platform.
Go look at this ...
From what I understand, there still is a working committee forming these demands.
I'm in total agreement!
One of the smartest ideas i Heard so far that i think both sides can identify with, is stop paying taxes. You want the attention that will get attention. Make the government remember that %60 percent of their tax base comes from the %99.
I love it! That's radical!
The teabag party got the most right-wing, Bircher Congress in memory elected. They've brought once-marginal positions like the Ryan Plan into the respectable center of political convention.
We should be so lucky as to have an effect of that magnitude.
CNN has a new poll out showing their highest-ever level of unfavorable views for the Tea Party movement. According to the poll, 47 percent of Americans now have an unfavorable view of the Tea Party, as compared to 32 percent with a favorable one.
We need to get 99%, not 32%.
I think "51%" is the number you're looking for.
We must set 99% as the goal. Aim high!
Solution: Marxism
Enjoy it, if you manage to survive the purge.