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Forum Post: We Came From the Small and move to the Big. Universal!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 6:02 p.m. EST by Spankysmojo (849)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

People, We came from the smallness and we go to the big. We came from darkness and go to the light. We came from not knowing and go toward understanding. Evolution leaves the Neanderthal behind. Though some still reside amongst us, they will become extinct if and only if we don't allow them to infiltrate without assimilating. If they want to hold onto their genes and the wonderful legacy they're about to leave then let's let them. Ignore hatred and division. Ignore exclusive behavior or better yet trade it in for Americanism. That's inclusive by definition. "WE THE PEOPLE"! Remember the cause.



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