Forum Post: We Are The People
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 12:49 p.m. EST by Allya
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We Are The People (sung to Bob Dylan’s Times They Are A-Changin’)
The time has come To march once again To raise up our voices In choir and defend The rights of the many, The broken and bent Who bore all that They were able Now crushed by the weight Of the one percent Who’ve forgotten that we are the people.
The waters of fortune Have not trickled down We can’t reap a harvest From such arid ground With your head under water You can’t hear the sound As we drown in the dust Of your fables The lost generation Cries to be found You’ve forgotten that we are the people.
You’ve bailed out the boats But flooded the rafts Now you sail to safe waters While we cling to aft Your captains are laughing Fat from the graft Forgetting that names Are just labels That those who are first Can quickly turn last You’ve forgotten that we are the people.
When the fleecing was done You bloodied the shears Penning your sheep With shadows and fear Then ran us in circles ‘Til it was not clear How to enter Or leave the stable When the middle is broken The end’s surely near You’ve forgotten that we are the people.
You’ve taken our homes So we’ll occupy yours We’ll carry the signs To your golden doors We don’t need a handout But a way to ensure That you can’t steal our place At the table Your bombs have been dropped Now prepare for the war We’ve remembered that we are the people.