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Forum Post: We Are Standing Up For The Heart And Soul Of The Nation

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 12:11 p.m. EST by RAWright (35)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I believe the title says it all. So go out their and make a positive impact on people. Stand up for what you know in your hearts is right. Change must come to the country in a logical and constructive way. Act with tolerance and compassion towards others.

Thank you and good day.




Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by alanramsey (5) 13 years ago

I have been posting and blogging about taking the money out of politics for several years now and the following has been my spiel.

Here is my simple law that would rectify this problem in our elections process.

"Candidates can only receive campaign contributions (cash or advertising or physical support) from those constituents they seek to represent."

No National Parties interfering in state or local races, no State Parties interfering in local races.

Limits on spending: $5000 for local offices at county levels; $25000 for State offices (state reps and senators); $100,000 for US Congress; $250,000 for Senatorial.

Politicians should be able to prove they can raise and finance their own budgets from their constituents before they manager our public budgets.

Who would get hurt the most?

The media. They're the ones who reap all the money from the election cycles through the ad dollars.

Alan Ramsey chefalanramsey@yahoo.com

[-] 1 points by alanramsey (5) 13 years ago

I have been posting and blogging about taking the money out of politics for several years now and the following has been my spiel.

Here is my simple law that would rectify this problem in our elections process.

"Candidates can only receive campaign contributions (cash or advertising or physical support) from those constituents they seek to represent."

No National Parties interfering in state or local races, no State Parties interfering in local races.

Limits on spending: $5000 for local offices at county levels; $25000 for State offices (state reps and senators); $100,000 for US Congress; $250,000 for Senatorial.

Politicians should be able to prove they can raise and finance their own budgets from their constituents before they manager our public budgets.

Who would get hurt the most?

The media. They're the ones who reap all the money from the election cycles through the ad dollars.

Alan Ramsey chefalanramsey@yahoo.com