Forum Post: We Are Not A Far Left Movement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 5:56 p.m. EST by fbergman30
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We are not a far left movement, we are a libertarian movement. I seen a list of demands posted by another member that stated that he wanted a single payer healthcare system, an amendment for racial and gender equality, and a borderless country (yea… ok.) All of these are far left ideas that infringe on our liberty. Having an amendment that mandates gender or racial equality is no different than having an amendment that mandates racial or gender inequality. The point is to not have laws that mandate anything! Let people live and express their opinions as they please without the government mandating the people to do anything! That is what a free society is all about!
BTW, we also have to be very careful to not let the opposition control us. The drawback of having a movement without any agenda is that the opposition is going to try to control us and put these far left, or far right, ideas in our heads to misrepresent us and or to discredit us. We have to weed these people out of our movement, not let them represent us, and stick to the important issues at hand. And the # 1 most important issue is to END THE FEDERAL RESERVE AND ISSUE INTEREST FREE CURRENCY TO OURSELVES! If we stand for any one thing it should be that. Next I would say END MANDATES! However, all issues after “end the fed” are trivial but here is a great list that I seen another member had posted:
1) Abolish the Federal Reserve
2) Allow the citizens to vote on the issues and not just on the candidates.
3) No government mandates on anything
4) Eliminate Lobbyists
5) Create infallible, triple redundant voting under constitutional guidance.
6) Decentralize the media and let every political ideology argue its merits on a purely intellectual level. That even means giving time to ideologies that are extreme such as communism, fascism, separatism, etc.
7) End programs that promote socio-psychological programming
8) Revert to the Gold and Silver standards as black letter law states in the US Constitution.
9) Give rights back to the states.
10) 10% flat tax on everyone to end this class warfare BS.
11) Reinstate tariffs on imported good.
12) End campaign financing and give every politician a set amount of money and TV time.
13) 911 Investigation.
I'm Libertarian. Occupy Wall Street IS NOT a Libertarian movement. Anyone who comes here claiming otherwise is forsaking their values.
Libertarianism looks to minimize government involvement in our lives. Occupy's one and only statement that everyone seems to agree on is "We the 99% will no longer tolerate the wealth and greed of the 1%" No matter how this is interpreted or implemented, it requires depriving some people of something for the greater good of the "larger" group. (Sound familiar? Anyone here ever taken a history class?) To do that, requires maximizing government involvement in our lives. This also violates the Libertarian value of Individual Property Rights. Here are some other things that Occupy DOES NOT have in common with Libertarianism. Privatization of Education. (And pretty much every other social function the government provides) Abolishing Income Tax entirely (who will pay for the underclass now?) The Rule of Law (Libertarians believe in our Constitutional Republic which protects minorities, not modern day Democracy). Just to name a few. If 'original' OSW supporters don't consider themselves ultra liberals, or Democrats...they've certainly made it hard to believe.
You're using "libertarian" in the more American sense of the word. The original, and more commonly used, meaning of libertarian is that which is more consistent with what this OP said.
Original and more commonly used meaning of the word? Do you mean "whatever I'd like it to mean" ?
You can learn about Libertarianism here:
It's silly to think that there can be any freedom of the individual within the capitalist system, which puts some human beings into the wage servitude of others because of events and market transactions that took place before their birth.
Nobody forces you to do anything. Get an education. Save some money. Start your own business. Follow your dreams, if you have the balls.
I have a PhD fool.
Hm, I'm part of OWS and I oppose nearly every point of the Rand-von Mises-von Hayek-Rothbard-Paul programme. Takes all kinds, I reckon.
There is definitely a perception that this is a Leftist-movement. I've always considered myself a Republican, went to OWS this weekend, and can confirm that there is nothing partisan about OWS. Hopefully, this perception that this is a socialist movement will change. I am 100% behind OWS.
I'm a Libertarian. I believe in the Constitution. The Constitution does NOT say that corporations are 'people'. The Constitution does NOT say that corporations can contribute freely to select candidates. Unbridled corporate interest into our political process destabilizes the Separation of Powers and destroys our system of checks and balances. Our federal government is owned by Wall St. As a Libertarian, I'm pissed.
Libertarianism is not about the Constitution.
"Having an amendment that mandates gender or racial equality is no different than having an amendment that mandates racial or gender inequality. The point is to not have laws that mandate anything!"
I agree end the bankers bank the fed is wall street's bank No we just play one on TV.