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Forum Post: We Are Making TRUE Progress (Real-Life Story)

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 10:33 a.m. EST by Justice4All (285)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Briefly: my partner's mother was laid off from her teaching (special-needs children) position, but rehired for two part-time jobs. Worse, they cut ALL of her benefits: health, dental, retirement, etc. Edit: her husband was let go from his computer tech job as well. And they, like so many Americans, are at risk of losing their homes. We need a moratorium on foreclosures two years ago, let alone NOW!

Her is a lower middle-class person that has been REDUCED to working-class, and she wants to attend OCCUPY CHICAGO.

We have, I believe, the American People on our side. The income disparity, concentration of wealth, unfair trade policies, etc. have devastated us economically.

Time to reclaim our country, our economy, even our dignity.



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