Forum Post: We Are America
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 2:49 p.m. EST by intjace
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We’ve been standing by, the world around us changing, passing by
Falling apart around us, pulling the fight out from inside us
Our quality of life declining, not noticeable unless we’re inclined to look beyond the inconsistent truth, the web of lies
Before we noticed years passed us by, years that weakened us so many times
Now we are awaking, the fronts they’ve put up are falling apart, we’re making a start!
Our numbers increasing, we’re starting to realize they’ve been dissing, laughing that we’re missing what’s rightfully ours, what we’ve been working for all those, hours, all those days, those years, thinking what we’ve earned we’d keep
Now is the time to take back what is ours, now we stand firmly rooted with determination, this is our nation!
We will grow in numbers, gain strength, showing our immortal will as we make a stand, marching undaunted through this hell!
Thousands of us stand strong, defying the ones stealing our human rights; millions will join of the ninety nine!
Everyday our strength grows as we charge forward with the truth! We cannot be defeated; we are the people through and through!
We are America! Without us you are nothing, remember the past and see; we the people must be happy, free, and treated equally!
We won’t stop until we meet all our needs!