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Forum Post: We All Know what's wrong - or should. Now let's use their own tactics against them.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 12:45 p.m. EST by Heliodorus (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Most of us don't need a lesson on how we got here, we already know. Creating a list of demands to redress our grievances is as American as the Declaration of Independence. But making it happen is a whole 'nother thing.

The only way you're going to get their attention and make a difference over the long haul is to use their own tactics against them and form your own lobby - 150 million strong! If you don't - even if you get some satisfaction, things will be "back to normal" in short order.. If you're not part of the process, you get what you get, including the government you deserve.

Use this perhaps once in a lifetime opportunity to establish your own virtual congress on the Internet (see the Ninth and Tenth Amendments in the Bill of Rights) and CREATE YOUR OWN LOBBY. Then hire (or send) your own lobbyists and lobby your own United States Congress on behalf of the virtual congress, i.e., the American people. Call it open source democracy and crowd source it, I don't care. But somehow we have to give the American people a voice in their government and this is the easiest, and perhaps only realistic, way to do it.

When you talk about amending the Constitution, you need a two-thirds vote in each House followed by ratification of three-fourths of the states sometime in the next 27 years! Instead, tell Congress what you want through your virtual congress employing nationwide live debates on the Internet and on TV (your own network), use your virtual congress to monitor the votes of your representatives in Congress for and against our initiatives, post it in the Proceedings of the virtual congress, use the virtual congress to decide who should be supported in the next election cycle and then award those In Congress who got the message. It truly is that easy and it's DOABLE. Keep political parties out of it and use the power of your vote as your own version of campaign financing.



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