Forum Post: We All Got Angry At The Wrong Things
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 11:05 p.m. EST by Keri
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.
You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate energy policy.
You didn't get mad when a covert CIA operative got outed.
You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.
You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.
You didn't get mad when we spent over 600 billion(and counting) on said illegal war.
You didn't get mad when over 10 billion dollars just disappeared in Iraq.
You didn't get mad when you saw the Abu Grahib photos.
You didn't get mad when you found out we were torturing people.
You didn't get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans.
You didn't get mad when we didn't catch Bin Laden.
You didn't get mad when we let a major US city drown.
You didn't get mad when the deficit hit the trillion dollar mark.
You finally got mad when.. when... wait for it... when the government decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick. Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, are all okay with you but helping other Americans... well fuck that. That about right? You know it is.
Uhh, . . . . .What? Everyone I know is mad as hell about everything you just listed. What rock have you been living under?
Speak for yourself. I've been furious for decades.
I have gotten along pretty well for almost @& years, but I am starting to get a little steamed over the petty complaints, the meager offerings for any meaningful change, the threats from the anon groups, the constant push forward of by fellow citizens with their hands out, ordering me to fill them with all their wants.
Anyone on here need a guaranteed "A+" on a doctoral dissertation. Just look at the dynamics on these forums. Educated are beginning to talk to the educated, the sane are talking to the sane, those with useful ideas are beginning to talk to others with useful ideas and the idiots are just ranting on and on and on. These dynamics are beyond description. Anyone else pick up on that??
yes. you find and group with those you can relate to.
And it is happening by the minute as we watch. A great study in group dynamics, leadership,etc. Just watch it unfold. This is the true leaderless leadership society in action.
Just fun to be a part of it. And when the leaders do develop, they will already have heard the whole story from everyone from the most knowledgeable to the ones who havn't a clue.
I used to think I was in a tiny minority who saw how things (don't) work. Now I see that the vast majority understand fairly well how we've been abused.
You have no clue. What kind of creeps do what Paterno did?
There is a reason that Paterno decided to not help the kids who Sanduskey would molest after the incident told to him by his assistant. This is the American culture. While Americans wave their flag and go to church, they observe and protect child molesters.The victims of sex crimes are destroyed when they report the crime in America. It happened to Casey Anthony when her father squirmed and lied under oath when he was being examined by defense counsel Baez.
If I was falsely accused by my daughter I would attack. I wouldn't dodge questions. American courts are still practicing the art of witch hunts. No innocent person pays off the accuser or pleads guilty for crimes they didn't commit. If Paterno is charged for his crime, it is less likely this type of thing will happen again. When privileged people know they will be held to account for their crimes, a person like Strauss-Kahn is less likely to be set free after he raped the hotel maid.
The idea that any allegation of past conduct of the victim will protect the perpetrator is irrational and bizarre, but the establishment accepts crimes by the privileged. None of this is secret and its accepted as normal.
Americans are so arrogant that they prefer to not know the truth when they believe molesters and traitors would embarrass them. That's exactly what Michael Moore stated during his question period at the Miami Book Expo. "I don't want to believe that," he replied about the 9/11 Bush attack. The victims cover up to protect the perpetrators. That is irrational and only creeps would lack the dignity to demand justice from the obvious perpetrators.
Just be sure that it hurt you (the abuse) as much as you know it did AND not how much someone else told you that it did.
I just got a card saying I was participating in a class action lawsuit against Dodge-Cummings for their abuse in selling me a semi defective engine. I had no problem whatsoever with my 2500 Dodge Ram truck motor (the body was crap - but that is another lawsuit I am sure) The only thing that I feel abused about is the fact that a bunch of lawyers will make a killing and I will get another check for $25.00. Now in my opinion, that is abuse.
If you have every owned a stock (mine are long gone), you are guaranteed to be a member of a class action lawsuit.
And you got your $25.00 check too? 50% of my stocks totally disappeared several years ago. I wrote it off to the risk I took in a local company - -0- was my return.
We didn't see 911 coming, we didn't see the housing bust coming and in todays language - We cannot see the lawyers coming. About 2025, we may get around to protesting them and their greed.
So this is all over health care? Boy have I ever been misled :)
Well sure, people don't stick up for stuff that they'll just call you a sissy for, they're too busy pretending they're tougher than tough. It's the American Way.
I am a Social Democrat. I am hardly mad about the idea of providing health care for Americans. You are confusing me with an Objectivist. [giggle] I want my upper middle class career. I am willing to pay significantly more, in Federal personal Income Taxes, than professionals do today, to provide the social services you see in Norway, Denmark, etc. I don't want the ultra rich sitting around on party boats, but paying significantly and disproportionately more, too, well, boo hoo for Paris Hilton. I would rather spend a dollar, I have, on you than owe two dollars, I do not have, to Peter, Paul and Mary. Positive cash flow= positive MJ Morrow. [wink] This country arbitrarily decides that US. education is not useful and I am supposed to pull three hundred thousand dollars out of thin air to go to medical school?
Hey, at a certain point, this gets silly. If my MBA means nothing and will not land my a business career, what is to say that I get a medical degree and I am told that we are all a dime a dozen, because all the unemployed MBAs became doctors. I will be told that is my problem! Hey, screw this loonie country. We need high paying careers or I need to open up a small business in Canada, until I can get the benefits of citizenship and get a subsidized education, paid for through my taxes.
I cannot afford to go into six figure debt, every few years, to come up with the magical beans, needed for a job in the USA. The ultra rich of this country want too much, for too little in return. They want me to be an engineer now! Ha! Let Paris Hilton get an engineering degree! Chinese MBAs are not left to rot in the gutter. This country wants everyone to just keep training, at our own expense and start at the bottom, while the ultra rich make a fortune off of making money off of money. Nonsense! Let Paris Hilton work as a prostitute, in Nevada, if she doesn't feel rich enough! Then require that prostitutes get engineering degrees! [giggle]
Has it occurred that anger is like a gas building up, it takes time before it is ready to explode.
Sometimes that explosion can be 'pushed' by circumstance, sometimes it can be delayed by the same.
With the explosion of anger, first there is the venting, then comes the raging, then comes the grouping and then and only then is there the beginnings of getting things done.
All of the things listed are part of the build up of that anger, all it needed was a spark to set it off.
I am still mad at all those things. You must have been asleep.
Socialized healthcare is just as evil as everything else you mentioned. Who do you think is expected to bear the burden of the cost of the medical care for those who can't afford it?
Everybody, of course. Then everybody could have health care. Denying care to anyone for any reason is immoral and inhumane.
You mean: Everybody except those who can't or won't pay for it.
Denying something which you own to someone who cannot or will not offer you anything in return is the most moral thing you can do. It is a decision based on the knowledge of the value of your own life. It is a decision based on the ethical principle that human life is the standard of good, and that your own life is your highest value. To give of yourself for the sake of someone who offers you nothing is an act of self-sacrifice. It is an act against your own life and the most immoral thing you can do. It is the moral creed of altruism.
Altruism is not synonymous with good will and love for your fellow man. Altruism is a very old ethical system based on the virtue of self-sacrifice. Good will and love for your fellow man are just it's modern day justifications.
"Denying something which you own to someone who cannot or will not offer you anything in return is the most moral thing you can do."
NOT sharing food with a starving man because he can not pay you is the height of your morality.
You are morally bankrupt and quite clearly a sociopath.
No, acting from a standpoint of rational self-interest is the height of my morality. My refusal to share my food with a starving man who offers me nothing does not deprive him of his rights. I am not responsible for the conditions that led to his starvation, nor am I responsible for remediating them. If I am to share my food with a starving man, why not with all starving men? This would quickly become an unsustainable drain on my own means of survival.
You will reply: "But he is just one man. Surely he cannot drain you of your means of survival?"
That is not the point. The point is the moral principle. If I am morally responsible for providing his sustenance simply because he is hungry, I am morally responsible for providing the sustenance of all hungry men. THIS moral principle will kill me.
You would not deprive a man of his rights but you would deprive him of his life.
You are sick, mentally ill, a sociopath. Greed is your morality, and it is this immorality that will kill you.
I do not own the life of such a man or any man other than myself. He owns his own life. It is not within my ability to deprive him of it.
And yes, my morality is that of greed, though not the way you mean it. You mean desire for the unearned. I mean desire for what I have earned and the desire to earn more.
"the sky is falling, and no one will lift their eyes to see. The sky is falling, but no one will care as long as it falls overseas" Thrice; the ski is falling
Wow. Go figure, excuses.
You lost me after the Patriot Act.
I for one emailed and called my Representative and senators and had on my first email to do list every day.
A lot of people did the same. It is the problem. Most of them get re-elected over and over and over.
Your post is similar to so many articles with the question trying to lead the reader to a place where because a former President did all of the crap you say, that it should be ok now to go the other direction and keep spending money we don't have on things you want to spend them on.
That is the issue. Republicans spend like aholes on their priorities then they are voted out and democrats spend like aholes on their priorities.
My basic premise then and now to all of my elected officials is easy: stop spending money we don't have.
Not a hard line to remember. If they all would adhere to that, then we would not have been able to spend on wars and such.
Problem is people want them to spend and spend and spend. Oh it varies with who you talk to, but the result is that we continue to pile up debt and delay the hurt that we have to go through before this economic mess is over.
We have put in one temporary program after another to the tune of tens of billions of dollars but all they do is prolong the inevitable and make it worse down the road since we will be even FURTHER in debt.