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Forum Post: Way to go!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 6:11 a.m. EST by csgptt79 (0) from Vacaville, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have to say to the folks who started this! its, very impressive and thank you! You given me hope that our country is not lost. I completely support what you are doing. I think its a shame that our government has grown a deaf ear to the very people that they are required to take care of. And shown us that its more important to take care of themselves and wall street then it is to help main street. To the people that are against this movement i feel sorry for you. Our country has fallen apart because our elected leaders felt it was more important to do what wall street wanted and all the special interests group wanted then to do what was right. And most likely the nay sayers are people that have jobs and do not know or do not care about the fact the unemployment is rising and having a degree at this moment in time almost doesn't matter, because even if you do you may have to go somewhere else, to some other country to find a job. Is that really what you want? Wake up! Personally i would say that its time for a revolution.And i wouldn't be surprised in the least if that becomes the case. tensions are beginning to get higher and sooner or later the government will have to listen to what the people want or try to force them to go away. i just hope that when that moment comes the people that for this push back and do not give in. So keep it up. Your doing n awesome job guys. Believe that we can make a difference! And in the good words of Tim Allen "Never give up! Never surrender!"



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[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

Thank you for posting this, but instead of saying You are doing a great job, saw We, because I think you are one of us!