Forum Post: Water Fracking demonstration of Oct. 20th, We need more!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 7:54 p.m. EST by Alice
from Staten Island, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Shit, I would've come if I've known. As a(not yet certified) horticulturalist I can fully appreciate the impact this is going to have on us all. Like the urban gardening movement? Too bad. WE won't be able to grow food in areas where the water is so toxic. New York would be entirely dependent on corporations that control and regulate farms in middle America for HUNDREDS of years. We would be completely unable to fend for ourselves. Every shower will bring us closer to death. Bottled water would be the only available water suited for human consumption. The birth defects will be horrific. Native species of flora and fauna will die off.
I'm all for peaceful protesting, but if it comes to letting this happen, or coming to arms against it; it would be our duty to ourselves and each-other to do everything humanly available or we will be responsible as well. THIS. CAN. NOT. HAPPEN. If PC measures don't prove enough, we WILL go further.
Show some balls, or have them rendered useless.
This is serious. Money and profits are all fine and good, but irreparably destroying the environment in ways that are directly harmful to human health is bad. Like, real bad. Like "you loose the right to make any decisions that impact anybody else" bad. And there are plenty of alternative energies to gas, and they create jobs too. Violence is bad, but I fully support whatever is done to stop this. It's irresponsible and unnecessary. Doing this is criminal negligence at best.
How many times does history have to exemplify this absolute truism: If you don't like something about where you are, you are hereby allowed to leave. I grant you full permission. Nothing is holding you back. Absolutely nothing. You know what would happen to the water if everyone left New York? It wouldn't be toxic, that's for sure. Jesus people. You'll spent the rest of your life complaining about it, but god forbid you get up and do something about what you can control - like where you live.
If this goes into action on the scale it's poised to, there won't be enough un-contaminated land left for people to move too. The answer can not simply be to let it happen and deal with it.
You fail to understand my concept, and again, I am baffled by such a gesture. At what point between my sentences did you say "Let it happen" and "deal with it"? I said do something about it in an area that you do have control over, like your living situation - no where did i say "let it happen" or "deal with it."
Ah, well then I've misunderstood and apologize. I don't quite see how moving addresses the situation though.
Alice, I am part of a network that is fighting the industry every step of the way. We're taking steps to make fracking a criminal act on a town-by-town basis, then moving on to the state. Let me know if you want any info.
Yes please! I'll message you my info.
Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth. -George Washington
Fracking Contractor Pleads Guilty to Criminal Acid Discharge
As an aspiring farmer, I will be forced to leave New York if and when this happens.
If Libya can protest violently and still be in the right, so can we!
"Every shower will bring us closer to death."
Drama much?
These shale deposits contain radium226 and uranium in addition to the chemical cocktail we have to look forward to as well .
It's actually not an exaggeration. Are we supposed to trust these corporations with our lives?
It may seem insignificant at first, but the types of chemicals we're dealing with here are toxic in incredibly small quantities. Birth defects only need one or two parts per million to take hold.
We're talking FLAMMABLE drinking water. It isn't even POSSIBLE to over estimate how dire of a situation this really is for us.