Forum Post: Watch what you say on this forum
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 12:33 p.m. EST by justaguy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"A new legal precedent was set yesterday with the decision by a U.S. District Court Judge that the government can, in fact, collect information about you through your internet use without a warrant."
This has been going on, but now has official court blessings. There is a strong probability that the Feds at the least monitor this website. There is also a VERY strong chance that at least some of you attracting the interest of the FBI, local, state and hell even secret service attention.
They can, and do, not only monitor sites, but can pull your IP address and with that get to your emails, other sites you visit, who you correspond with and even cell phone tower information to give them a map of your travels.
This is NOT paranoia. This is happening the time NOW. If you value your privacy and want to fly under the Fed radar then do not ever ever come to this website using your real IP address.
Perhaps I am overly cautious. I don't agree with a lot that is posted on here, but I do agree we have massive problems in this country.
I also think that we are on the precipice of seriously moving into a police state that will be impossible to reverse.
Whether I agree with you or not, I am only saying watch your back and use common sense.
YouTube is owned by Google and they are famous for giving the Feds information on whatever data they have on people.
No news here, and the prisons are already full.
I second this statement. good call.
I will not accept a police state
Problem with a police state is that you don't get a choice in the matter.
there is always a choice
No surprises here. We are living in an Orwellian society. There is no such thing as privacy anymore. People need to give much thought to what they post, especially be careful not to say things that look like you are inciting violence against anyone--even if you are just kidding around.
Privacy is the first thing to go. Yes, I do agree with you that we are entering a P.S. We will see more and more violence against every day civilians. Our freedoms will be taking away from us and the constitution (and our constitutional rights ) will be either torn to shreds or blatantly ignored. Americans need to wake up to this before it's too late.
anonymous proxy, bitchez!!!
You bet.
I use TOR myself. Slows things down a bit, but since I posted this, I have been in Amsterdam, Germany, CA. Not sure where I am right this second.
tell the government they can collect THIS.
A District Court ruling is not applicable to cases other then the one it is overseeing. Now, if the ruling gets appealed and the appeals court upholds the district court holding, the holding can be used outside of that case.
Very true. We are not there all the way yet, but are moving in that direction. It used to be that they had to get a warrant if they were going to go beyond just watching.
The FBI is rumored to be collecting or mandating, that all cell tower rely information be stored so that it can be accessed when they feel it is needed.
This is only one court, but the actions go on across the country and just have not made it to the top courts yet.
The supreme court does have a case before it now with potentially big implications. They are looking at whether law enforcement can, without a warrant, install a GPS tracking device on your car, and leave it there for extended periods of time.
Law claims that it is no different than having a surveillance on a person, but the defense says that have access to a total map of where a person goes, that can be monitored remotely, again all without a warrant, is not the same and should be illegal.
I think they will come down on the side of the Feds on this. Scary.
Thank you justaguy. You just moved to the top of our watch list asshole.