Forum Post: Watch this documentary - It is worth it.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 10 a.m. EST by randart
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It is called "Prophets of Doom" and everyone should watch it to get a better idea where the future might be for all of us very soon.
It seems to be up to ALL of us to at least try to make a change or it will be made for us.
The Robber Barons of Wall Street, found it on here, 16 minutes, worth a look.
"A caliph, rabbi and a bishop walk into a bar. One says to the other 'Hey now brother we haven't gotten very far'." -Clutch 'Prophets of Doom'
Futurology can drive a person mad. I used to dwell on all the threats to humanity heading our way. I had to stop because the disconnect between my understanding and that of those around me was so great that I became overwhelmed with frustration.
I believe these guys are sincere, but they seem to be playing into the designs of the Bankster Cartel. The plan, as far as I can tell, is for the Banksters to crash the economy and then run in to rescue us from what is perceived as a catastrophe of our own making. They will then replace the old shackles with new and stronger shackles. And a global currency appear to be one facet of that.
uh, not really (worth it). This guy would be more credible if he lost a bit of weight, go vegan even, and explained right from the start that it would help a lot if Americans would use much less of the world resources, so that others, less fortunate, can at least have a decent way of life--including education of the women as a (natural) means to lower birth rates.
What you are saying is that there is nothing of value because they are not vegans?
It is simple thoughts like yours that will always divide this country and world. One day, as our resources are depleted and life is really hard, it will be people who judge quickest that will wonder why nobody said or did anything in time.
I agree with what you have to say except for the prejudice you seem to carry within. There are a couple on the panel who are maybe thin enough for you to accept. They may even be vegans.
You're right: I didn't watch beyond the first 8 minutes, which is probably what most people will do, especially when the connection is not stable. That is why it is so very important to establish credibility in the first minute (i.e., is he an expert in what he talks about? as it were, his CIA activities in the late seventies/early eighties is not enough, perhaps even not relevant, for his strong statements on food insufficiency, overcrowding of the earth leading to doom, and so on and so forth).
North Sea Oil ~ Tull
Black and viscous --- bound to cure blue lethargy Sugar-plum petroleum for energy Tightrope-balanced payments need a small reprieve Oh, please believe we want to be in North Sea Oil
New-found wealth sits on the shelf of yesterday Hot-air balloon --- inflation soon will make you pay Riggers rig and diggers dig their shallow grave But we'll be saved and what we crave is North Sea Oil
Prices boom in Aberdeen and London Town Ten more years to lay the fears, erase the frown before we are all nuclear --- the better way!
Oh, let us pray: we want to stay in North Sea Oil
9/11 - Mike Ruppert - The Truth And Lies Of 911 -(Full length)
9/11 Truth was never mention by Ruppert. Strange that a man who wrote a book, several articles, and gave multiple talks on the topic of 9/11 Truth would not mention it in the context of a discussion on 9/11 and terrorism.
I haven't watched this yet:
WOW Radioactive Toronto! I followed up on something in Ruppert's 9/11/11 video and found this:
Radioactivity in rain 20 000cpm / sq. meter Toronto Canada!
New note added to blog: NB: This may be a natural phenomenon. We are researching that possibility presently.
The only flaw in your argument that I can detect is that you use the past to predict the future. You forget one huge factor, and that is that fact makes statistics and not the reverse. Shit happens and then it becomes history. History never happens before shit.
What is that old adage? "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it"?
I can observe nature and see we are too many as a species on this planet. We are rapidly sucking it dry of everything required to sustain life and most of us don't care. I suppose time will soon tell if our greed will bring us to an unlivable future. The planet will restore itself but we may not still be here.
I am of growing mind that I really don't care much more if we self destruct. It is hard for me to see many redeeming qualities in humanity with all our intelligence and everything. Tell me what future you see for us.
I see what comes when it comes. Its all a dream brother.
"Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future."
The corpus of history is what is written about the past, not necessarily what happened in the past. Read Orwell.
Okay. After we die our stories are fodder. Who cares?
All of us matter. The Truth will not betray the innocent.
There is no innocence. We are all guilty. Nothing matters in the scheme.
The innocent will not be betrayed by the Truth. I don't do initial sin. I have never been of the book, but I know the book better than its professors.
Do what is Right and you won't be wrong.
I don't do initial sin. I am referring to the fact that when you eat a banana someone in El Salvador gets screwed. I'm talking about millions of animals that we eat ruining the entire ecosystem. We share guilt if we live that life. Or maybe you are already on your Macrobiotic way...I hope.
These are difficult issues. Shall we stop buying bananas and cut off the money they survive on? I buy a lot of bananas for my girlfriend. It's her main staple. I get the from Whole Foods who claims to ensure their products are from fair labor.
Meat is another matter. We hide the gore behind the meat we consume. That's cowardly.
They are separate matters but matters of grave concern. Your girlfriend should not be eating tropical fruits while living in a temperate climate. It will do her in. You must understand that we must eat local and live local to be healthy. Read on brother. Look at the Kushi Institute or any Macrobiotic site. Be a free thinker brother. Then a healer. You seem ripe to be free of the crap we protest.
She's Jamaican. She has tropical blood from both sides of the pond.
She doesn't live in her blood. She lives in a temperate climate.
Michael Scheuer: disinfo agent.
Go to 1:07:00 in Prophets of Doom. The man talking is one of the chief perpetrators of the Emanuel Goldstein, bin Laden myth. Its a great ploy. Stand outside of the system and criticize it while actually promoting its primary deception.
Note that the FBI's #1 man tracking bin Laden was killed the first day on his new job as head of security at the WTC, on September !!, 2001.
BTW the US is a republic not an empire. One of the aspects of this documentary that is very troubling to me is that they keep comparing the US to the Roman Empire . The US was modeled after the Roman Republic which was betrayed and replaced by the founders of the Roman Empire.
Just as then, our republic is being hijacked by imperialists.
Project for the New American Century
This guy?
I tried to watch, but I couldn't. The guy's dramatic voice and narrative ruined it for me. He's forcing it. Trying to be all cool new-age style. It just sounds too unscientific. Curious, is it a conspiracy theory again? I watched 15 seconds before I had to turn it off.
There is one guy that seems to be the moderator that does exude an air of superiority but the rest of the panel have interesting perspectives from each of their own disciplines. Try to get past the moderator and listen to what each of the experts have to say. Yes, it is a bit boring in places but worth the time to get a better picture of where this world seems to be heading.
Maybe there is a transcript for you to read on-line. That way you will not be distracted by the moderator's rather strange attitude.
There are a lot of problems with the documentary. Ruppert is a very smart and courageous man. He was one of the first to reject the 9/11 OCT. He was one of the people who really opened my eyes to CIA drug running. It was like: wow, I never noticed that elephant in my living room before.
In principle he is correct that we are relying on a finite resource which we are consuming at a dangerous pace. OTOH, I don't believe he, or anybody outside of the oil industry and DoE has much in the way of reliable information on the actual size of proven reserves. Even within industry and government, we should assume that people are not showing each other all of their cards.
We should note that the Shadow Government has used the US military to secure control of much of the world's oil, directly or indirectly, by invading Iraq.
I fully agree with Ruppert that the size of the global population is excessive. Even if we could all survive, we are destroying billions of years worth of evolution in decades.
We really do need to live in better harmony with nature. And, yes, I am a hypocrite in that respect.
OK. I'll let it download on my machine and watch it when I wake up with a cup of strong coffee. That might help. It's late here, so I'll bid you a good day.