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Forum Post: Watch the 1% closer, they are finding ways to make this work for them.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 5:30 a.m. EST by ITmanage (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

While the 99% loudly comes alive, the relentless 1% is quietly flanking them. I quietly watch as the right hand of the 99% waves clearly in the sky, justly bringing wrong to light, standing to gain attention for change, hoping all eyes gaze up. Hoping all eyes learn, join in, cry out and see. And I also SEE the left hand of the 1%. Also hoping all eyes gaze up, blinding us to what they are doing. Their limitless money has been working day and night to turn this movement to their advantage. And they have! The petroleum and auto industry, chemical companies, pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology corps and all those who built Wall Street are starting their counter resistance in the shadow of the whole. Are you the Puppeteer or the Puppet? It begins:

I read this fairy story called: “EPA REGULATIONS ARE PREVENTING JOB GROWTH!” And there was more than one and growing!

Eyes wide open, jaw dropped I say: OMG! And I don't like to take the Lord's name in vain! The only ones driving these "facts" and the only ones who will profit are Chevron, Enron, Synergy, Exxon, BP, Halliburton, Transocean, ConocoPhillips, Dow, 3M Egypt LPT, 3M Gulf LPT, Catalyst Trading LLC, Eastman Chemical Resins, GEO Specialty Chemicals, Honeywell, Union Carbide, Monsanto just to name a very few. They are not going to waste money creating jobs because it won't be long before Oops! That was a bad idea in the 1960's and it still is. Quick buck made, blame your elected officials, all of them! With statements like: Reps: Republican Bills Would Erase Decades Of Protection Dems: The most harmful among the EPA’s proposals is the agency’s plan to lower ozone limits. What? Both CSAPR and MACT made Rep. Eric Cantor's (R-Va.) list of the top 10 job-killing regulations in the U.S. I know, he's just a partisan right? How can his word be trusted on this? Well, he's not alone in this conclusion. Both rules were included in a list of regulations that are projected to cost over $1 billion dollars annually (that's each, not together). Where does this list come from? None other than Mr. Obama himself. Who is driving these two parties together? How can the facts be so alike but so far apart? Why is the foregone conclusion, Big Money needs more money? (But you did not hear that from us (Big money.), you are hearing it from the now non-partisan politicians that WE have pulled together with little money! Hehe!) (And, quick go see what is happening on Wall Street, nothing to see here. Hehe!) Compare Bhopal.con, Bhopal.org and Bhopal.net to the word at Bhopal.com. Go ahead and read the “facts” about those poor people, how they suffered, are still suffering, died, dieing and who was to blame and who never helped. Money can make any piece of information a “fact”. And what will happen to one of the world's largest group of employers made up of chemical spill response teams, industries working to reduce emissions and companies innovating to build greener? So many environmental groups supporting world sustaining regulations. Where will those people go to work? Don’t be a puppet! If the facts sway all parties to agree ask yourself who paid millions for the research? One step forward, two steps back, and big money just keeps making more while they get us to fight for their right to get richer. Yikes! “Oh, and there is no national debt!” (Brought to you by The 1%!) The right hand must keep track of what the left hand is doing if Occupy anything is going to work!

I weep for my children and grand children. But not the Lemmings who are blindly buying this fairy story that the EPA is preventing job growth! And more fairy stories are coming, brought to you by The 1%!



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[-] 1 points by Angryworker (5) 13 years ago

Don't forget to include those big corporations. I have myself in a bad situation and hope that a good resume will help me out but in this terrible economic time, I doubt it. Wal-mart with all their profits are cheating their employees! They started a Quit Tobacco program last year and got a huge list of all the tobacco users. This year tobacco users are facing incredible rate increases.
If employees with high BMI numbers were offered such a program and then the next year when a list was compiled, their insurance climbed like ours, there would be outrage across the country. Lawyers would step up. Can they legally do this program, get names, and then raise life, health, and critical care rates for those employees? Can those employees afford a lawyer? Can those employees find other jobs in this market? If they offer diet help, gym discounts, and programs for obese people, DO NOT SIGN UP! To keep my insurance which was $145 per month last year it will be $717 with an even higher deductible. Oh yeah, I have been to the Dr. once in three years and have used less than $100 in health care. Of course, I am struggling to quit but this is another corporation that under pays its employees and then does this.
Yes, I am sure that smokers probably do cost more to insure. I am positive that overweight employees cost even more. Also, positive that this would be out in the media, press, on signs, and everywhere if it was the overweight being targeted. There is no protections for us. Do I dare say that Wal-mart is ripe for a union. Union talk can be a job ender for a Wal-mart employee you know!
Sam is greatly missed. Last year they ended our profit sharing and this year, they are getting their salaries covered on the back of our benefits coverages. What does next year bring?

[-] 1 points by Anyong (34) from Jensen Beach, FL 13 years ago

I think I saw a 1%er the other day, he was walking around looking at stuff, but he bent over and $100 fell out of his wallet......that's how I knew

[-] 1 points by daverao (124) 13 years ago

Who is making money Facebook, Twitter, phone companies as people are texting and using data. These are all 1%. Protester eating and drinking products of corporations like Starbucks, McDonald's, buyer king.

[-] 1 points by Justice4All (285) 13 years ago

Right. This is about U.S./US (99%) - not them. What is impeding job growth are:

(a) sending our jobs abroad;

(b) lack of new businesses in the U.S. (5,000 per Iraqi citizen in free money to start a new business in Iraq - why can't we have a program like that here?).

[-] 1 points by Anyong (34) from Jensen Beach, FL 13 years ago

It's the same idea as paying a hooker after you screw her. Otherwise it would just be rape.

[-] 1 points by zorbaka2 (61) 13 years ago

OWS is greatly outnumbered unless they have a lot of people. One billionaire and his access to resources can compromise a lot of 99.9% people. It is not "class warfare" as they like to say. This is a trick phrase intended to make you look like a "jealous envious little person". Unfairness in a democratic society is dangerous and could lead to dictators who control all the money and resources.

[-] 1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

and do what? ows has a media group, support base of hundreds of thousands, money rolling in. hell i'm a supporter and i'm a web developer. go fig. it's like.. they have the same resources as the big wigs. huh.

[-] 1 points by zorbaka2 (61) 13 years ago

yeah, you're right. The internet has empowered people and I think that is a really positive thing. I've thought of that before and you made me remember it.