Forum Post: Watch Grey’s Anatomy Season 8 Episode 16 - If Only You Were Lonely
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 23, 2012, 7:02 p.m. EST by rarani091
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Click Here to Watch Grey’s Anatomy Season 8 Episode 16 ===>>>
Click Here to Watch Grey’s Anatomy Season 8 Episode 16 ===>>>
Episode Summary: As Adele's condition continues to deteriorate, Richard considers altering their living situation; an explosion at a local coffee shop results in a busy day in the ER for the doctors; Callie takes Meredith under her wing by helping her study for her boards; Lexie joins Arizona and Alex in peds, as they continue to care for intern Morgan's premature son; and when Jackson snaps at a patient, Mark encourages him to find ways to relieve his stress. Meanwhile, Cristina lets her suspicions get the best of her.
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