Forum Post: Washington
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 15, 2012, 9:12 p.m. EST by Skippy2
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
However you declare your own political ideology, it is fair to say that Washington is broken. Bought by Wall Street, corrupted by special intrests, egos run amok...describe it how you like. There is only one way to fix the system. When th 2012 election finally starts. Vote for the person not in office! Vote out ALL incumbents. Both parties. They are owned by big dollar special intrests. Make the special intrests deal with elected officials they did not BUY. If the majority of incumbents are voted out, the rest will know we can get them too.
If you are manager of a business for 20yrs and wish to steal, you'll probably get away with it. If you the manager for 1 year, probably not. I'll take an inexperienced thief over one that knows the ropes anytime.
Voting "in" the next round of corporate-sponsored shills will change nothing.
The last couple of elections have proven that. Pretty soon they will all be one term'ers. Assuming of course that the whole system does not collapse under the weight of massive corruption and citizen revolt.