Forum Post: Washington Post 'disses' OWS
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 8:23 a.m. EST by ettienn
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If I knew how, I would organize a petition for signature by people who live in DC to let the Washington Post know that we are organizing to take economic action against them.
Discontinuing home delivery is probably the single biggest 'Hurt' that we can put on them.
I have personally discontinued mine years ago by their insistence on operating like a Ruppert Murdoch 'wanna be' mouth piece for the 1%.
How do we organize a petition to let them know that the 99% of DC can put a big hurt on them by discontinuing home delivery and are doing so in large numbers?
Sorry you have gotten nothing but crap responses. I'm beginning to wonder if there is anyone but trolls left here. By all means you should follow your conscience. One idea is to print flyers to put on cars. Show examples and clearly state your goal. The OWS media group can help you design it, I bet. The important thing is to just start...don't forget paper news is struggling, so they can feel the impact. You could also include a call for people to go to the website and post calls for fair coverage. Good luck...let me know how it goes!
I heard back from the auto email response system saying they get hundreds of email every day.
I'll wait to hear from a human at #OWS.
Can you understand hefytheidiots post? It doesn't make sense based upon my request. . .???
Thank you for your thoughtful ideas. I'll let you know if progress is made
well first you would have to be the 99%. but since you're not, and since most people in the usa would proudly denounce nazi's, racism, and communism they probably won't be siding with you.