Forum Post: Was The Daily Show on the mark?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 8:14 a.m. EST by rEvolutionaryGirl
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Concerning the uptown and downtown segments? Is it true that OWS met in the office of one of the world's largest banks away from the movement to discuss how to move forward?
I am not in NYC and have not had the chance to see for myself.
Occupy Congress!!!!!!!
Hopefully that's the next step of many more.
" Is it true that OWS met in the office of one of the world's largest banks away from the movement to discuss how to move forward?"
They did not meet in the office of a bank. They were meeting in the public atrium of Deutsche Bank at 60 Wall St. The atrium is a POPS (privately owned public space) just like Zucotti Park.
There was nothing secretive or clandestine about meeting at 60 Wall St.
Here on the NYCGA website you can see the meetings and that location publicly announced.
Thank you! I was hoping to learn more than what I heard from TDS and the people who were talking about the segment.
I don't know, but i was disappointed with Jon Stewart in that piece. I am a Daily Show fan, and i realize you have to take the good with the bad, and call it how you see it etc. But honestly, that is what he chose to run with?
Just because their are different parts of the park, yes, it is a microcosm of sorts, but so what. I have seen him do some quote unquote "pro-Occupy" pieces as well, but so far Stephen Colbert has exposed it more fairly in my opinion. He showed that girl getting jabbed hard in the ribs by a cop at Berkeley I believe it was, and people need to see the over the top police brutality going on, to better understand what is happening.
I am not in NY either, so take what i say with a grain of salt. I am an interested observer sort of at this point too, and these are just my impressions, and may not be that well informed. Good question though, it had me wondering a bit as well.
You also have to consider the fact that apparently homeless and street people, as well as some criminal element were supposedly encouraged by police to go to OWS, so that probably changed the dynamic of the population. And i do not mean to imply that homeless people are criminals, but from certain sources it has been reported cops purposely sent some shady people there as well, allegedly. Homeless people were taken in with open arms by Occupy not just in NY but other places, and i give them all the credit in the world for that. They deserve food and shelter like anyone else.
Sorry if im going too off topic here.
I really do appreciate your reply! I was disappointed by the piece, but if it's true then I think it's only fair OWS participants take a good hard look at how they interact with each other and to discourage that kind of segregation.
yeah, i agree. from what i saw, some do. I think it's good to remember that everyone at Occupy is still human. It was a spur of the moment kind of thing, so things come up that need to be dealt with, addressed. So long as there remains the sincere intention and people don't completely sell out then they can work with whatever happens as best as possible.
And not being a camper myself at any Occupy at the moment, it is easy to speculate and criticize from a distance, but we should remember that they are living on the streets, and sh__ goes down in the streets regardless. Perhaps they are absorbing some of the drama. But i do agree that they do need to address any prejudices and segregation etc.
99% is a pretty big percentage, and i'm sure some challenges will continue when trying to find a common ground between everyone.
I think part of my criticism comes from the fact that I'm an artist and I've been trained to constantly evaluate and refine my messages (artwork) so I can't help but want OWS to do the same. That might be a unfair of me and I want to make sure I understand more before going full tilt into judgment!
Thanks for your thoughts.
i find it funny that both the left and right are now bashing the movement. may be if you people attacked the heart of the problem and not become stalin-stock 2011 maybe you would be stronger than the tea party. instead of bashing the tea party learn and use their tactics and maybe read the idk constitution. limited government. not asking the government to fix its self. it wont. and yes i am mad at the amount of usless energy that is being wasted. so what you have thousands of people show up to one place if they are not mobilized with ideas to take home to take action. its individualism that will push these retards to stop fucking with us. growing your own food, how about a ows credit union? how about teaching people how to get jobs so they can build capital so they wont have to rely on the system. start your own stuff and make it grow you got the capital to do it mobilize. if we teach people to not pay into the system that is the most powerful form of peaceful protest. boycott and save and build up. help others do the same to become independent
I agree with many of your ideas. I feel that Americans need to do more than engage in OWS and politics but make lifestyle changes. Stop valuing money and certain forms of work over others, start buying responsibly from companies that do not exploit their workers or ignore EPA regulations, learn to consume less energy and find alternatives etc, etc.
Last night I dreamed that OWS started a series of Model Citizen flash mobs where people in a community came together for a few hours to volunteer or clean up areas in the community. There was also a dinosaur but I don't see that happening.
I disagree, we need dinosaurs, and trained dinosaur riders.Despite our differences, I think that is one thing we can all get behind.