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Forum Post: Was Banned From OWS Chat Within 5 Seconds From Entering The First Time

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 30, 2011, 1:09 a.m. EST by NightShade (163)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I asked if anyone was into bombing buildings and and bomb ban lol, this is why this site can't have mods.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by bill1102inf2 (357) 13 years ago

bc your a fucking asshat

[-] 1 points by InspectorGadget (-50) 13 years ago

Please spread the news about www.copblock.org & www.adamvstheman.com which is two groups of very dedicated people out on the front lines fighting the growing tyrannical para militarized police state and corrupt governmental system for our rights. Thanks!

[-] 1 points by owsass (-36) 13 years ago


COINTELPRO fake protests partner with MEDIA to distract from real protests. I believe the Greek protest is genuine. OCCUPY WALL STREET was timed to drown out the Greeks.

I think this because the Greeks had a specific demand last month in direct response to their government's sellout to the IMF. The Greek protest was saying 'Don't vote to accept this debt, traitors!'The "Occupy Wall Street" type protest is NON SPECIFIC.

CONINTELPRO handled protests don't make demands - they make 'statements'. Like, "STOP WAR! LEGALIZE POT! "Give us back our future!" and "Stop pollution!"

OCCUPY TOGETHER in the US and Canada are directed by C.A.N.V.AS., the same directors behind the Tunisian and Egyptian and 'Arab Spring' revolutions. They may look the same but the objectives are quite different. The objective in America and Canada is NOT to topple 'regimes'. C.A.N.V.AS. is backed by Council on Foreign Relations foundations like Carnegie Group and the Albert Einstein Institute and myriad other funnels of Illuminati funding.
