Forum Post: WARNING WARNING WARNING!: Police In All 50 States Have Been Authorized To Use A New LETHAL Weapon On Protesters!
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 20, 2012, 6:51 p.m. EST by YouDontRepresentThe99Percent
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It's called soap.
I suppose they'll complain that the Native Americans don't have a ritual daily shower either? Or how about the animals?
The truth is, that most americans stink. The one's who think they're clean are actually rather immune to their scent because they blend in with most everyone else. To most animals, I think you'll find that you stink -- your deodorants, your hairspray, your breath of cooked foods, and the hair that excretes it, of artificial fats that make a greasy sebum exude out of your dermis. And they dump their waste into rivers as to be undrinkable.
And consider your households. In nature, there is no maid, no cleaning done. Animals shit and die out there, yet it is more clean than the average modern house. The air is fresher, healthier.... Why is that?
But, hey, it's complex, because it's really about your attitude of being above everything else that makes you a stinky.
ows has the attitude. The "give me handout" kind...
No, it really doesn't. But I understand why it seems that way.
Here's the thing. While you may not have a "give me a handout" kinda thing, you have something more like this: "give me your land or I take it from you" kind of attitude.
Howbout that? Is that the attitude to adopt?
I don't remember saying that (please permalink if I did I may be wrong) but I think what we did to the natives was wrong. We should have respected their land and built around it. I also feel we are taking land from the animals, the original occupiers of the land.
When I used the pronoun "you" I was referring to something like "conservative america" which generally looks down on hippies asking for things, but then lauds those who don't ask for things but just takes them.
So it seems like insulting those who are polite.
I am a very modest person, I don't take from people, nor do I think it is right. But, do understand the crazies of this movement have given it a "take from the rich" image when really it does have decent goals I believe in. But those issues and people are so overshadowed by the crazy "raise taxes to the roof on the rich, make them pay my student loans" that it makes this movement so unappealing to accomplish those goals I rather see this movement get destroyed and wait for another movement with the sole direction of thier goals to back.
Hmm. But the whole of America has taken things, that is what I'm referring to. It has taken them by murder, cunning, and basic theivery, yet it complains when hippies ask for some basic needs?
You see, by the time my generation and younger got into the world, all the land was already taken. So unless the old paradigm sees the benefit to supporting a new one, we have little choice but be dependent on you. To fall-back on the old ways (of taking, of destructive consumerism) is hardly a tenable solution.
So we occupy.
Do you own land?
No. Yet if I took the strategy of my forefathers, I would just kill clandestinely and take it. The occupy movement is an attempt at a peaceful transition, but in lieu of that, there is little alternative but a bigger disease.
Good, you didn't contibute to the problem. But many others do own land. They keep the demand for it high.
You need to occupy your fellow people, they are the ones keeping it in demand. I own no land either.
Is this what you do with your free time? Go masturbate or something. At least that would somehow be more productive than this. Get a job!! You have too much time on your hands.
Says the guy on the same forum...
I'm not going around spreading hate speech. I'm trying to communicate ideas with others and exchange knowledge, which I have done so very successfully. There is a big difference between wanting to expand the mind and calling people names.
Here's something to read about
Your spreading begging speech. Just as bad.
I will read it later.
My involvement with Occupy has been on the grounds that the Government is corrupt and certain banksters on Wall Street have committed fraud.
Thank you. I belive the same. But this movement seems to be targeting the rich in general not the certain banksters and the govenment.
If this movement was doing that I would be on the front lines with you.
When I saw your post my initial response was "a bar of soap". And sure enough you said that too. Funnier than shit.
The Police could just as well use a Job Application,that would work pretty good too.
Great post.
I get it
the protest are unclean like animals and should be treated as such
y u no comment?
duh nuh. duh nuh. duh nuh duh nuh duh nuh BUMP!
In all honesty, that was funny. It is nice to see some humor every once in a while even though it may not be positive.
Good jest Sir. Welldone
Damn. I was hoping for "logic"....
too bad!