Forum Post: Warning: Beware Infiltrators and Agent Provocateurs
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 12:25 a.m. EST by Attaburnsinhell
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
THE RIGHTWING ARE GETTING READY TO INFILTRATE #OWS If you've noticed, big name rightwingers- Limbaugh, Romney, Cantor, Fox news etc are dropping hints about "violence, trouble, dangerous people"in regards to OWS. Occupy is a huge threat to their machine and they want to shut it down. The fastest way to do this is by a violent incident involving protestors and police. In Miami a few years back, undercover police infiltrated a union protest and provoked a clash between the peaceful marchers and police. The police busted heads and shut down the march, arresting people. OWS has been a model of civility and non-violence and it's imperitive that it gets kept that way. Any incident like what happened at the Smithsonian today could end it with a real black eye. Rightwing operatives and/or police will attempt to infiltrate and provoke an incident. OWS is a loose knit operation and is vulnerable to 5th columnists. Organizers must set Marshals to watching their own crowds with orders to be on the look-out for these people. Have cameras ready, move in on any potential flash point, smother any attempt to throw rocks and bottles, incindiary devices, general hostile confrontations with the police. this is a seriuos threat, be aware
A VERY WISE warning indeed!
ALL movements of this type quickly get infiltrated by "agents provocateurs", whose mission it is to 1 - ingratiate themselves with the movement, by appearing thoughtful and wise; 2 - and once they have succeeded in winning everyone's trust, gradually sow the seeds of division and discord in the movement and 3 - do their best to provoke violent behavior on the part of the demonstrators, hatred of the police, etc., IN ORDER TO DIVIDE THE MOVEMENT AND DISCREDIT IT IN THE EYES OF THE PUBLIC.
Such "agents provocateurs" are undoubtedly there already, in New York and elsewhere. As they constitute one of the greatest threats to the success of the Movement, this reality should probably be openly discussed in General Assemblies so that everyone is aware of their presence and exercises vigilance without getting paranoid.
Its a good point. This should be put on a blast or something.
the solution.
more right wing-left wing division. I thought this was a non-partisan movement.