Forum Post: WAR (what's it good for?)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 2:22 a.m. EST by RightsOfMan
from Brownsville, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So business as usual has gotten us (interminable) wars of occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not to mention involvement in Libya and where ever else we may, or may not, be waging wars more discreetly...and torture and bombings and worse committed in our name by privateers. Oh yeah, It's a "War on Terror"
And since much of this occupation is about financial issues let's talk about the cost (over 356 million dollars a day in Iraq and Afghanistan with a projected total cost of 4 to 6 trillion dollars [see:]).
Domestically, we have the good ol' War on Drugs (estimated cost of 44 billion annually [see:]) and the domestic implications of the War on Terror (who knows what fiscal cost).
Since we like wars so much I propose a "War on Violence,"...maybe some 'Rockefeller' assault laws that will get these abusive cops the decades-long sentences they deserve...or maybe "PG-13" movies should be allowed nipples and solving problems with violence should merit an "R." Maybe sending troops anywhere should be looked upon with the disdain that "cyber-bullies" currently merit.
Our society and government has been inundated with "might-makes-right" idiots who commit atrocities--domestically and abroad--in the name of justice or freedom. I am an American and I say that isn't my idea of justice or freedom.
A Google search failed to reveal the source of this quote but I am under the impression it is from Abe Lincoln: "Those who most desire positions of power are those least fit to hold them."
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