Forum Post: War Is The Financial Engine that Runs Any Economy
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 11:56 p.m. EST by eyeofthetiger
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Facts Pentagon spends what is it like 75% of all budget money for wars? the bickering with the 1% is a drop in the bucket compared to the money blown on Wars As long as we breathe there will be wars that's just human nature it's like when you hate your neighbor for doing something you don't agree with then you start a war that's on the tiny arena Same thing when leaders can't agree or do something one country does'nt like they start wars Killing makes more money than letting people live in peace Anyone disagree?
of course war SEEMS to make money. That's what happens in the short term when you kill someone and take their stuff. In the long term though, it's a little hard to trade with a) dead people (unless of course their a peasent, ref 'dead peasants'), or b) people who have lost their homes, food, jobs, water, family, etc, etc
And if you really wanna know what this situation REALLY looks like:
Here is ONE list that America seems to be leading...
The 1% makes tons of money from the business of war, you can't separate corporations like Northrop Grumman and Lockheed and Blackwater and Halliburton from the political agendas, they are all intertwined. War-like behavior is not human nature, it is trained into us from the moment you start watching cartoons and playing video games. Children imitate what they are exposed to. It is not natural, but it is hugely profitable, so by exposing us to violence we are more apt to believe it is normal and not do anything to stop it. Now we can fly drones into war zones and drop bombs just like a video game and soldiers have doing that since they were don't think that was planned?
politics is about war I bet those guys get together for brandies and talk about nothing but war and oil they sure don't talk about the common working fool whom they all profit from
It's like Wall Street, no matter what side of the war you fund, the contractors make out like bandits. Short or long, the money flows both ways. Yeah, those guys are laughing their asses off while young men die for the lie.
An excellent excerpt on why we have wars, by George Orwell (a former Illuminati insider):
Just further proof that George Orwell was an anarchist.
Is that all you got out of that? I never supposed he was an anarchist. The excerpt looked more anti-conspiracy-to-subjugate-the-masses to me. Freedom has always been the antithesis to poverty and ignorance, so I would suppose he was pro-freedom just like I am.
" In the long run, a hierarchical society was only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance..."
Sounds like anarchism to me.
Btw I say it as a complement.
In practice, communism, socialism, fascism, nazism, and an oligarchy are hierarchical. There's always the elite class and the slaves.
Our constitutional republic has, more than any other government, reduced poverty to the point that we produced more than we needed, becoming the "Breadbasket of the world." Tragically, that has changed since our culture of freedom has been eroded, and criminal elements have sought to reduce our nation into collectivism. Anarchy never really exists except for a very short, transient amount of time. A very limited government is necessary to protect God-given rights.
In summary, if you have a righteous government that holds human rights inviolate, and only serves to protect those rights, then you will have more prosperity and wealth in 200 years than 5000 years.
Well in the end anarchists in Spain lost the war. But that's not to say they couldn't have won or that they didn't go down without a fight.
In the end Franco had the Italian fascists and German nazis backing so it was hard.
They could have won. That doesn't mean anarchy would last very long. It will in short time be replaced by some form of government. That's one reason why government is a necessary evil: To protect against other governments and criminal groups.
we have wars to make money to offset the population remember you and me are nothing to them but Consumers Parasites we would'nt be missed
you are correct sir. defense is out of control and yes, Kennedy called it. but thats no reason to be a douche.
rocky sucks :)
you use an enema nozzle? sicko
Hermorphodite 2 types of people in this country steers and queers
My comment actually MEANS something. Google it.
YOUR comment is not unexpected given your apparent level of understanding.
should i poke at'm and see if he wiggles?
Only if you have a bit of time and are in the mood for some fun.
It's like watching the cat toy with the mouse before killing it.
man, you got a live one there!
your a waste of time go look for Crocodile Dundee
Our Founding Fathers who had such faith in our ability to reason our way through the issues surrounding self-governance are turning in their graves thanks to plebeians like you.
In case you're confused or don't like reading, I am using 'plebeian' per the "Unrefined or coarse in nature or manner; common or vulgar." definition.
fondling father's whom made you pubescent? man where do I sign up for that program LOL go eat some turkey Turkey and don;t forget to put on your dressing LOL
Yes, I will eat, and I will express my thanks for the fact that our Nation has young geniuses such as yourself ready to take the helm.
here are 3 balls one is red one is blue one is green Which one do you want?
Not true....
another blind fool where's your cape superboy?
The founding fathers advised us to avoid foreign entanglements. The wars are enriching the one thousandth of one per cent and bankrupting our people and our nation.
I got an idea.
Occupy the defense industries!
Lockheed Martin is a start
How about Dick Cheney? Maybe if we Occupied him it would be so stressful he would have a heart attack.
A heart attack would be the humane alternative to his death.
He deserves far worse.
I'm sorry if you disagree and you think that somebody who's responsible for thousands of deaths just for the sake of profit deserves anything other than death themselves.
I heard the Pentagon bought recently like 500 stealths for like 600 billion?? and they cry were broke were broke what a fricking joke huh??? just take away old people's medicare and social security checks so you can Kill more people sick
I've said it once and I'll said it again. There's a limited amount of resources on this planet and as far as the military is concerned its either us or China.
your forcasting a nuclear war between the U.S and China I have always thought that would happen in our lifetime
No, I'm forecasting a proxy war in Africa were most of the resources are.
Still this is scary, but this level of scarcity has not been experienced before.
that's news to me I thought Africa was a wasteland full of savages
You'd be surprised
Yea I'd be surprised when a head hunter whacked off my head with a machete Oh yea I'd be surprised all-right LOL you go there
reminds me when you said defense of the movie Falling Down with Michael Douglas where his license plate said Defence remember that?? I'm gonna watch it now on youtube
okay fine, the war industry.
your repeating yourself
They just want to bankrupt the United States. These bastards work for the british (i.e. most of them are lawyers and they took an israeli oath (secret one) called "kol nidre" and join the BAR = British Accredited Registry) because the USA has been a british colony on paper since 1917. See for more. Some of the info from the link are shown below: – - info links about the oath and the BAR ("USA is a british colony" - - more info can be found by googling / youtubing )
A must see video w/ facts:
They use corporations to run the USA, there are no real "Constitutional Republic" governments. Here they are w/ their filings in the state of Delaware:
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. Non-profit Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 4/19/89 File No. 2193946 (USA Corporation...disguised as Federal Gov't - - using a fraudulent constitution.)
INTERNAL REVENUE TAX AND AUDIT SERVICE (IRS) For Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 7/12/33 File No. 0325720
FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION (Federal Reserve) Non-profit Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 9/13/14 File No. 0042817
CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY INC. (CIA) For Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 3/9/83 File No. 2004409
SOCIAL SECURITY CORP, DEPT. OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELFARE For-Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date: 11/13/89 File No. 2213135
etc… The following video will show you facts:
That's why they are being sued: The lawsuit that could end the gangster rule of Western civilization - November 24th, 201
If America was not at war we would be in a recession..Do you really think dead foreigners is more important than the economy and free health care..we need the oil ffs.. And if any one mentions that scumbag RONPAUL they should be banned..Or alex jones or david icke or any one else that doesnt agree with bigger government and more control..
they control you not me and were foreigners as well the Indians were here first and we broke every land treaty with them and stole they're land so don't hit me with the dead foreigner's issue
Woah now! War does NOT stimulate an economy. That war is good for economy is a neoCON MYTH! Let's think about this for a minute. Wars actually cost huge amounts of money. War is an enormous burden that an economy is forced to carry. There were many hardships common people endured during the war. War itself hurts an economy terribly. Bankers probably want you to think that at least war is good for your wallet, because it's good for theirs.
The popular Keynesian misconception is that WWII fixed the US economy by destroying so much that then needed to be rebuilt. Do you really think that stimulates real economic growth? But in truth WWII was an enormous hardship on an already depressed economy (depressed by the boom-bust cycle). What really helped the US economy was so much of our (global) competition having been destroyed or bankrupted by the war. It was not until AFTER the war that the US economy picked up for anyone besides defense contractors and banks. Another thing that helped is foreign central banks were more than happy to buy dollars for their reserves afterwards. Investment is what boosts an economy more than anything. Foreign investment is what has been propping up the US economy for the past 50 years. Actually, there was one other effect that the war forced. It made it illegal to invest in the Nazi regime, precisely where the fat cat bankers had been shifting their investments for the decade prior. (The Nazi regime was viewed as a great investment opportunity in the 1930s to the corrupt Wall St. fat cat bankers.)
While I'm talkin' fat cat ugliness, here's a HOT steamy pile of Godwin's law: This is no conspiracy theory. The Bush family invested in the Nazis! Congress discovered it still going on after the trading with the enemy act was passed, so Prescott Bush (H.W.'s father) was literally guilty of TREASON! It is unfathomable what some people get away with.
Truly war is much uglier than bankers' & neoCON myths make it out to be. It's pure Keynesian myth that "blowing money" (on war or anything) stimulates an economy. Do you see here how the left and right are both lying about economics? When they agree in their economic lies, it's so clear that LEFT and RIGHT are not as they've been presenting themselves. Left and right are the labels used to divide us. The REAL political battle is between liberty and authoritarianism/fascism.
Woah?? Are you a horse???
"War Is The Financial Engine that Runs Any Economy". Absolutely. They invest trillions in new ways to destroy the world. If you can destroy the world once what's the point in investing more to be able to destroy it 10 times over? For profit of course. If US government would just keep its dick in its pants and protect its boarders from within the country it would still be the "land of the free" and not the "land of the lemmings who pay taxes to fund the war machine"
well then that will be our destiny why worry about everyday hassles when were gonna get vaporized one way or the other all I know is man's time is short he has not learned to live in peace were walking on egg shells now so be prepared when the Emergency Broadcast System flashes on your TV screen that 1,300 ICBM'S are headed our way
Scarcity is a choice.
This earth has enough resources for everyone, but the current economic model forces us to consume and threatens us with recessions and depressions if we don't.
That's why its kind of frustrating when people dismiss it as naivety.
Not only that, it requires us to consume more and more each time and thanks to technology we've been able to do just that.
Here's a video with the only solution that can avert the incoming global catastrophe.
dumb and dumber equation It's going to rain very shortly and I don't mean precipitation.
I find it funny that we never hear about Russia anymore seems like every super power is doing their own thing and telling nobody That's dangerous is'nt it? I feel like a sitting duck How about you??
Our own gov makes sitting ducks of us more than any foreign gov. It's sad how the public has largely been manipulated into actually wanting to make the world hate us. Russia is no enemy compared to Wall St. and the Bank.
There are many countries around the world which have good economies and which don't go to war.